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Mass Shooting At Newspaper In Paris

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    For smallpotatoes, French, Muslim school children refuse to take part in a moment of silence, and adults spew conspiracy theories:

    Many French people were shocked to learn that some school kids refused to join in the minute of national silence observed across the country following the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Newspaper Le Figaro quoted one teacher in a heavily Muslim neighborhood in the eastern city of Strasbourg saying that 80 percent of her students refused to participate.
    The men have been watching a video on a large computer screen behind the counter of the police assault last Friday on the kosher market. They believe it was staged. They say the video proves something else was going on at the supermarket. They also say there's no way one of the Kouachi brothers who attacked Charlie Hebdo would have left his ID in the car.

    The conspiracy theories pour out. One of the men says the two attacks were a plot by France, the U.S. and Israel to give Israel more power. They say it's unfair the world's media talks for weeks about Jewish deaths, but says nothing when Muslim children die. Their narrative seems worlds from the Je suis Charlie demonstrations in Paris just a few miles away.

    Some French Muslims See Conspiracies In Paris Shootings : Parallels : NPR
  3. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    As a whole muslims are just a humorless group of people. Stories like this one confirm that
    notion time and time again.
    It's good to see the nice folks of Europe finally getting tired of their BS.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  4. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    To Pope Francis, it's all one big Yo Mama joke, and you know what happens when you tell a Yo Mama joke.

    Speaking in reference to last week’s assault on French publication Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead, the pope said that “no one can kill in the name of God. This is an aberration.”

    He added, however, that “there is a limit to freedom of expression.” The pope offered a colorful example, referring to a hypothetical case in which someone insults his mother.

    “One cannot react violently, but if [someone] says something bad about my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s to be expected,” the pontiff said. “There are a lot of people who speak badly about other religions. They make fun of them. What happens is what happens with my friend [who insults my mother]. There is a limit.”

    Pope Sees Limits to Freedom of Speech - WSJ
  5. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Publishing photos of gay marriages is hardly on the same level. And many of the gay couples we interviewed for one story identified themselves as Christians.
  6. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    The more radical fringes of Islam have an excuse and a conspiracy theory for everything. You can't carry on a dialogue with people like that. There is never going to be an evolution of Islam such as the one with the Jewish/Christian faith. The Old Testament included laws in which you could stone people for not observing the Sabbath, have multiple wives or sell your children into slavery (the latter is not the worst idea in the world). We've evolved from that Radical Islam hasn't. They're still living in 1000 BC.
  7. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    There is no fucking way that the Secret Service was going to allow a U.S. President to walk in the middle of 1 million people in a city that just experienced a wave of terrorism.
    That said, they should have sent Biden. He's expendable.
  8. SnarkShark

    SnarkShark Well-Known Member

    I get your point, but Judaism and Christianity have had a bit of a head start. Judaism probably started somewhere around 2000 BC and Jesus essentially started his run around 30 AD. Islam didn't really get going until the 600s AD.
  9. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    I wish the outlets that didn't show the images would say they were motivated by fear. That's a strong criticism of the terrorists in its own right, as long as they're open. "We are not showing these images because we believe there are people who are incapable or unwilling to respond to these images without violence." That's a damning statement. You're stopping the baseball game to put up a tee for one batter. We are changing the rules for you because you can't play by the same rules as everyone else.
  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Dean Baquet doesn't like clowns, but he's not afraid of them. He just finds their makeup to be garish.
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Dean Baquet doesn't like to fly, but he's not afraid to fly. He just prefers taking the train.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    When I first saw references to this online this morning, I thought it was some sort of joke -- the idea that John Kerry would have James Taylor come with him to France to have him sing "You've Got A Friend."

    Nope, it really happened:

    Secretary of State John Kerry was in France Friday to try and mend relations after top U.S. officials were criticized this week for not sending a more high-profile representative to a Sunday unity rally in Paris.

    But Kerry didn't make the trip alone -- singer/songwriter James Taylor also attended an event at the Paris city hall, serenading the French people with his hit "You've Got A Friend."

    John Kerry Decides The Best Way To Apologize To France Is To Have James Taylor Perform
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