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Donald Trump: Come Kiss the Ring

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by YankeeFan, Dec 5, 2011.

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  1. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Franken is a senator. Granted, it's Minnesota and they'll elect anyone, but Franken has been a heroic liberal commentator for a long time. Part of the Jon Stewart wing of the Democratic Party.
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I like McCain. He may be my favorite Republican.

    Bottom line: If you are Lindsay Lohan and do something stupid, the media will be all over you.

    If you have a habit of saying outrageous things, the next outrageous thing you say the media will be all over you.

    That's how it works. It's not a left vs. right thing.
    Starman likes this.
  3. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I guess he is heroic for surviving the pressures of the late nights, partying and and drug use of SNL all those years.
  4. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    People like him.
  5. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    It's just funny that the only time the GOP and conservatives get concerned about candidates military reputation is when they are "trashed" by Donald Trump. Swift boating, no problem.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    The entire left wing media was so upset with Rolling Stone when, in 2008, they called him a "Make-Believe Mavrick":

    There is no question that McCain suffered hideously in North Vietnam. His ejection over a lake in downtown Hanoi broke his knee and both his arms. During his capture, he was bayoneted in the ankle and the groin, and had his shoulder smashed by a rifle butt. His tormentors dragged McCain's broken body to a cell and seemed content to let him expire from his injuries. For the next two years, there were few days that he was not in agony.

    But the subsequent tale of McCain's mistreatment — and the transformation it is alleged to have produced — are both deeply flawed. The Code of Conduct that governed POWs was incredibly rigid; few soldiers lived up to its dictate that they "give no information . . . which might be harmful to my comrades." Under the code, POWs are bound to give only their name, rank, date of birth and service number — and to make no "statements disloyal to my country."

    Soon after McCain hit the ground in Hanoi, the code went out the window. "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital,"
    he later admitted pleading with his captors. McCain now insists the offer was a bluff, designed to fool the enemy into giving him medical treatment. In fact, his wounds were attended to only after the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a Navy admiral. What has never been disclosed is the manner in which they found out: McCain told them. According to Dramesi, one of the few POWs who remained silent under years of torture, McCain tried to justify his behavior while they were still prisoners. "I had to tell them," he insisted to Dramesi, "or I would have died in bed."

    Dramesi says he has no desire to dishonor McCain's service, but he believes that celebrating the downed pilot's behavior as heroic — "he wasn't exceptional one way or the other" — has a corrosive effect on military discipline.
    "This business of my country before my life?" Dramesi says. "Well, he had that opportunity and failed miserably. If it really were country first, John McCain would probably be walking around without one or two arms or legs — or he'd be dead."

    Once the Vietnamese realized they had captured the man they called the "crown prince," they had every motivation to keep McCain alive. His value as a propaganda tool and bargaining chip was far greater than any military intelligence he could provide, and McCain knew it. "It was hard not to see how pleased the Vietnamese were to have captured an admiral's son," he writes, "and I knew that my father's identity was directly related to my survival." But during the course of his medical treatment, McCain followed through on his offer of military information. Only two weeks after his capture, the North Vietnamese press issued a report — picked up by The New York Times — in which McCain was quoted as saying that the war was "moving to the advantage of North Vietnam and the United States appears to be isolated." He also provided the name of his ship, the number of raids he had flown, his squadron number and the target of his final raid.

    In the company of his fellow POWs, and later in isolation, McCain slowly and miserably recovered from his wounds. In June 1968, after three months in solitary, he was offered what he calls early release. In the official McCain narrative, this was the ultimate test of mettle. He could have come home, but keeping faith with his fellow POWs, he chose to remain imprisoned in Hanoi.

    What McCain glosses over is that accepting early release would have required him to make disloyal statements that would have violated the military's Code of Conduct. If he had done so, he could have risked court-martial and an ignominious end to his military career. "Many of us were given this offer," according to Butler, McCain's classmate who was also taken prisoner. "It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to 'admit' that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was 'lenient and humane.' So I, like numerous others, refused the offer."

    "He makes it sound like it was a great thing to have accomplished," says Dramesi. "A great act of discipline or strength. That simply was not the case." In fairness, it is difficult to judge McCain's experience as a POW; throughout most of his incarceration he was the only witness to his mistreatment. Parts of his memoir recounting his days in Hanoi read like a bad Ian Fleming novel, with his Vietnamese captors cast as nefarious Bond villains. On the Fourth of July 1968, when he rejected the offer of early release, an officer nicknamed "Cat" got so mad, according to McCain, that he snapped a pen he was holding, splattering ink across the room.

    "They taught you too well, Mac Kane," Cat snarled, kicking over a chair. "They taught you too well."

    The brutal interrogations that followed produced results. In August 1968, over the course of four days, McCain was tortured into signing a confession that he was a "black criminal" and an "air pirate."

    "John allows the media to make him out to be the hero POW, which he knows is absolutely not true, to further his political goals," says Butler. "John was just one of about 600 guys. He was nothing unusual. He was just another POW."

    McCain has also allowed the media to believe that his torture lasted for the entire time he was in Hanoi. At the Republican convention, Fred Thompson said of McCain's torture, "For five and a half years this went on." In fact, McCain's torture ended after two years, when the death of Ho Chi Minh in September 1969 caused the Vietnamese to change the way they treated POWs. "They decided it would be better to treat us better and keep us alive so they could trade us in for real estate," Butler recalls.

    By that point, McCain had become the most valuable prisoner of all: His father was now directing the war effort as commander in chief of all U.S. forces in the Pacific. McCain spent the next three and a half years in Hanoi biding his time, trying to put on weight and regain his strength, as the bombing ordered by his father escalated. By the time he and other POWs were freed in March 1973 as a result of the Paris Peace Accords, McCain was able to leave the prison camp in Hanoi on his own feet.

    Even those in the military who celebrate McCain's patriotism and sacrifice question why his POW experience has been elevated as his top qualification to be commander in chief. "It took guts to go through that and to come out reasonably intact and able to pick up the pieces of your life and move on," says Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, who has known McCain since the 1980s. "It is unquestionably a demonstration of the character of the man. But I don't think that it is a special qualification for being president of the United States. In some respects, I'm not sure that's the kind of character I want sitting in the Oval Office. I'm not sure that much time in a prisoner-of-war status doesn't do something to you. Doesn't do something to you psychologically, doesn't do something to you that might make you a little more volatile, a little less apt to listen to reason, a little more inclined to be volcanic in your temperament."

    John McCain: Make-Believe Maverick | Rolling Stone
  7. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    And the only time liberals have a problem with trashing military service ... It's almost like you can predict this stuff.
  8. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    My feelings on this:

    Being "just another POW" is heroic enough for me.

    When he was running for president, his service record and behavior as a POW was a legit issue in a Manchurian Candidate kind of way.

    Now, it's just Trump lashing out and being an arrogant turd.
  9. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    How did FNC react to Trump's statements this morning?

    How will El Rushbo?
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Why would making disloyal statements under torture be considered for court martial? Wouldn't the military take into consideration that the POW was being tortured?
  11. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Who started trashing military service first? Max Cleland wants to know.
    Ignatius_J._Reilly likes this.
  12. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    There is not a candidate now, nor will there likely ever be in the future, who will scale back the power of the presidency. It's been growing since Teddy was in office.
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