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Black Mizzou football players go on strike

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Big Circus, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Wait, is some of this nonsense happening at UCLA now?
    It's getting hard to keep up.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    LOL. Yeah, why would the police hand over a public document?

    I don't need journalism to be immediate. And, I'm fine with journalists reporting the facts that they have. They should just tell us how they came to learn these facts. Most outlets did not do this.

    Not denying something happened is not the same as confirming it did. I don't even know what the point of saying this is.

    And, did the liberal media file a FOIA request for the police report? If so, who, and when?

    The Daily Caller got it first, right?

    The police department had also declined The Daily Caller’s repeated requests for more information. But TheDC was able to obtain an incident report through a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the school’s custodian of records.


    Under the provisions of Missouri’s broad public records laws, The Federalist has requested from the University of Missouri copies of any and all records relating to the alleged vandalism, including any police or incident reports describing the investigation of the poop swastika by law enforcement authorities, as well as any photographic records of the alleged swastika, and will make that information available if and when it is received from university officials.

    [UPDATE]: Late Wednesday night, the Daily Caller obtained a copy of the police report describing the Mizzou police department’s response to a report of vandalism in Gateway Hall on October 24, 2015. Despite repeated requests from The Federalist for the document and information contained with in it, the University of Missouri still has not provided to The Federalistit or any other documents requested pursuant to the state’s open records laws.

    Why Is There Zero Evidence Of The Mizzou Poop Swastika?
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for them to call for Janet Napolitano's resignation.
  4. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    How has nobody demanded Kim Anderson resign yet?!?
  5. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    Again, you have no fucking clue. So, you're contending that the police always cooperate with the media? And FOIA requests aren't often needed to obtain public records? OK. Got it. Yet, in your own post, you say the DC couldn't get info from the police. And I am 100 percent certain the bastion of quality journalism that is the Daily Caller is the ONLY outlet that sought that info. Get a fucking grip on reality. "Not denying something ... " Can you not read those multiple quotes and determine that they are saying it DID happen but they can't or won't discuss it? Maybe that reading comprehension is your entire issue. And did the Daily Caller get it first? I don't know, and neither do you. Because they got a copy through FOIA doesn't mean they are the only ones. Listen, if you want to discuss the proliferation of outlets and what it means to journalism, start a fucking thread. I'm sure it'll be a hoot. Hilarious to me that whenever something happens, you want to know IMMEDIATELY the name/race/height/weight of the criminal, but when the news is distributed immediately you cry foul. HOW DO THEY KNOW? WHERE DID IT COME FROM? Fucking hypocrite.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    No. But, they should have. And the media should have pressed them to.

    Within 24 hours of the Federalist questioning whether the poop swastika existed, they released photos.

    I'm also told on a regular basis about how the press "develops contacts". Great. How come they can never use them when they need them? Not one reporter could get any info from the police, or the school? Great job.

    What media outlets even asked for the police report? Did the WaPo, with their dramatic lede?

    But, in this case, due to a lack of cooperation, a FOIA request was necessary. So, who filed one?

    The Federalist and the Daily Caller both say they filed a FOIA request. Has anyone else said they did?

    Within 24 hours of the Federalist article, the Daily Caller got the police report, and the photos.

    This was over 10 days after the incident. If other news organizations had filed a FOIA, in the interim, why didn't they get the info.

    If they filed it after the Federalist article, why did the Daily Caller get the info first?

    No. They give no details. They confirm that something was reported, not that something was found.

    Who else has reported that they got the documents? Anyone?


    Yes. I want reporters to report what they know, when they know it, and tell me how they know it.

    Not sure how that makes me a hypocrite.

    I also want the police, and other officials, to not unnecessarily withhold information -- like the name of the Merced terrorist.

    I'm not sure why either of those opinions offends you; a journalist.
  7. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    "They should have. " Welcome to the real world, YF. Those lazy journalists LOVE when officials withhold information. Makes things much easier to take 2-hour lunches and go for those mai-pedis. And nope, just the truthers filed for the police report. I am certain of it. And you appear to be equally clueless about the idea of a police investigation.
    I'm done here unless you have something more to offer than your usual MEDIA BAD! schtick..
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    If the cops don't cooperate, you either "use your sources" that I've heard so much about, or you file a FOIA.

    This incident didn't just happen.

    If some other media organization had filed a FOIA after not receiving any cooperation, then why did the Daily Caller get it first, and only after the Federalist article?

    And, btw, you lose points for stealing lines from OOP. That's just sad; even sadder than your use of the CAPS LOCK.
  9. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    my paper has standing FOI requests for all police reports from all the law enforcement agencies we cover.

    so I wouldn't have a need to file an FOI request for a specific report because they would have to turn it over once the report was ready since they already have a request.

    Also, it is common misconception by people not in the business that an FOI is a formal legal document and that you give someone a sheet of paper, then they have a certain amount of time to comply.

    Legally just by me making a verbal request for a document constitutes an FOI request.

    Back to the world you claim to know.

    So the office coffee pot is s two pot plumbed Bunn system and about once every 20 pots of coffee I only get about a half a pot. What can I do fix it?
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to find the entire post. I only saw a response to it. Did you actually chide members of the media for trying to push into a public place to do their jobs?

    You are correct in that he shouldn't steal my stuff. He should amend it. LIBERAL MEDIA BAD!!!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  11. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    I'm going to have grace on Gary Pinkel and just say he's going through a rough time with health, etc.

    But it hasn't been a good week for him. He's tried, basically, to stand for nothing this week, other than his own immediate self interest. Basically disavowed himself of the protest, acted like he didn't know what was really going on. But he also didn't try to slow the process, either, of presidents and chancellors being ousted. He appeared purposely naive, and that was unfortunate.
  12. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    Dammit! I've been waiting years for some quality NESCAC talk on SJ.com, and it finally comes when my alma mater's football program is in the crapper after two decades of near-dominance in the swanky-slow-white-boy league. Yes, it's a tough time to be a Williams College Eph.

    And I'd talk some trash about our archrival's Lord Jeff and his racist desire to "eradicate" Native Americans, but our own Col. Ephraim Williams wasn't exactly playing pattycake during the French and Indian War. Also, I'm already not feeling very confident about today's Williams-Amherst Homecoming showdown, aka The Biggest Little Game in America.

    Thanks for indulging me, please return to the mudslinging.
    dixiehack, Big Circus and doctorquant like this.
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