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San Bernardino

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Inky_Wretch, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I have no doubt that we'll get there.
  2. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    From that CNN link:

    "I think that we should definitely disallow any Muslims from coming in. Any of them," supporter Charlie Marzka, 75, told CNN. "The reason is simple: we can't identify what their attitude is."

    Someone get that man a military-grade assault rifle! I'm sure we can safely assume his attitude is fine.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Here's what the LA Times tells us this morning about Farook's "radicalization":

    Federal investigators are trying to determine if Farook was influenced by Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, a former Minneapolis resident known as "Mujahid Miski" who became a recruiter for Islamic State and is alleged to have encouraged the attempted attack on a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this year. The U.S. State Department said Monday that Hassan turned himself in to authorities in Somalia, where he had been hiding.

    FBI officials have said that Farook had "some contact" with someone known to the FBI in this country and also reached out digitally to at least two members of foreign terror groups, including one in Somalia, said a federal law enforcement official who is unauthorized to speak publicly on the matter.

    Couple had been radicalized 'for quite some time' before attack, officials say

    ABC News and the AP are also both reporting that Hassan turned himself in to Somali authorities early last month:

    An American fugitive, who officials say is suspected of recruiting impressionable young men for terrorist groups including ISIS and was linked to at least one domestic terror attack in the U.S., has turned himself in to authorities, the State Department announced today.

    Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, known online as “Miski,” surrendered to the government of Somalia early last month, a State Department spokesperson told reporters. Hassan has been wanted by the FBI since he left the U.S. in 2009 for allegedly providing "material support" to the al Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Shabab in Somalia, often purportedly by convincing young American recruits to join. U.S. officials accuse Hassan of since moving on to recruiting for the Syria-based terror group ISIS.

    Suspected American ISIS Recruiter Turns Himself In

    A Minnesota man who joined al-Shabab in Somalia more than seven years ago and more recently went online to urge others to carry out violence on behalf of the Islamic State group has turned himself in to authorities in Africa, the U.S. State Department said Monday.

    Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan surrendered to Somalia's federal government on Nov. 6, the State Department said in an email to The Associated Press. It's not immediately clear why his arrest wasn't announced earlier.

    Minnesota man whose tweets urged jihad surrenders in Africa

    Now, Hassan is described as "a former Minneapolis resident", "an American fugitive" and "a Minnesota man". But, while a debate rages about allowing in Muslim refugees, none of the news organization has the heart to tell us that he came here as a refugee.

    AP comes closest, but can't quite say the word:

    Hassan, who was born in Somalia, is a legal resident of the U.S. but is not an American citizen.
  4. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Trump calling for internment, or Dems having to come to grips with the fact that their political hero instituted a program far worse than anything Donald Trump has proposed?
    old_tony likes this.
  5. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    YF, do you agree with Trump's proposal to bar all Muslims from entering America right now? I won't jump your ass about it. I think it should be openly discussed. The left's reaction to it reminds me of how the right discusses climate change among themselves - build your assumption that it's nonsense into your comments, rather than taking on the argument head-on.

    Although I do think Trump courts racists, I don't find fear of Muslims to be bigoted or racist, necessarily. They have given people plenty of reason to fear them. Like you said, it's a political movement first and foremost, practically speaking.
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    The latter. College students will get there.
  7. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    I think some of us are on record as saying FDR's internment and planned deportation program was every bit as racist and xenophobic as anything Dingleberry Trump has proposed.

    The difference is Trump is basically proposing one internment-like program a week at this rate.
  8. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    An American fugitive, who officials say is suspected of recruiting impressionable young men for terrorist groups including ISIS and was linked to at least one domestic terror attack in the U.S., has turned himself in to authorities, the State Department announced today.

    Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, known online as “Miski,” surrendered to the government of Somalia early last month, a State Department spokesperson told reporters. Hassan has been wanted by the FBI since he left the U.S. in 2009 for allegedly providing "material support" to the al Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Shabab in Somalia, often purportedly by convincing young American recruits to join. U.S. officials accuse Hassan of since moving on to recruiting for the Syria-based terror group ISIS.

    Suspected American ISIS Recruiter Turns Himself In

    I wonder why someone like Hassan, who doesn't sound like he was on the verge of being found/arrested/killed, etc., would suddenly turn himself in.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I don't think we should bar all Muslims, but we should tighten up how we issue Visas.

    The LA Times today tells us how getting a K-1 Visa is a very tough process:

    To get a K-1 visa, a U.S. citizen seeking to marry a foreign national has to file a petition with U.S. immigration officials and prove that the relationship is real and that the couple have physically met.

    The petitioner also has to provide evidence of the relationship, which could include travel, phone and hotel records, according to Los Angeles immigration attorney Paul Herzog.

    It takes three to five months for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to review and approve a petition, at which point the petition goes to the State Department. A U.S. Embassy or consulate conducts a medical exam, checks police records and interviews the foreign applicant, Herzog said.

    "It's a very detailed petition," said Los Angeles immigration attorney Roman P. Mosqueda. "If you're getting married in a church, you have to show proof of getting a church date for the wedding, a date for the restaurant for the reception.... It's very strict."
    "It's not an easy procedure," Herzog said. "Beginning to end, you're looking at at least six to nine months" from the date of application to the date of receiving a visa.

    Questions for the partner seeking to come to the U.S. include: "Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities while in the United States or have you ever engaged in terrorist activities?" and "Have you ever or do you intend to provide financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations?"

    A look at the K-1 visa that gave San Bernardino shooter entry into U.S.

    Is this supposed to make me feel better, or worse?

    They have to have physically met? That's a high bar to get a Visa?

    Look, I get that folks like their mail order brides, but this guy had either met her once, or not at all before they married in Mecca in 2014. Should we really issue a Visa to a woman who has met her husband/fiancee once, and who's main attribute is that she wears a burqa?

    Student Visas too should be tightened up.

    It's one thing if guy is coming here to study computer engineering at Stanford. But, take a look at the guy who tried to detonate a bomb in Times Square. He first came here on a student Visa to attend some bullshit school that is now closed, and then went to the University of Bridgeport, which is barely a college.

    And, the Somali refugee community in Minnesota has seen dozens of members go overseas to fight for various Jihadi groups, so we probably need reforms here as well.

    A US Visa ia a privilege, not a right, and we should be very careful about who we issue one to.
  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    That's all well and good, but you're honest about these things, and not a leading Dem.

    FDR is still held in high esteem by Dems in America today. Why? Should he be?

    I guess that in one of the four network interviews Trump did this morning he said that he "might" have supported FDR's internment plan.

    This supposedly makes him a terrible person.

    FDR did implement an internment program! Yet, Dems still love him.

    If they want to condemn Trump, let them condemn FDR too. Let's see media members ask Dems who blast Trump to also blast FDR -- and not just the internment program, that's too easy. If the Internment program was terrible and racist, isn't the person who instituted the program also evil and racist?
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Trump doesn't want to let in Muslim refugees, and is a horrible person.

    FDR didn't let in Jewish refugees during WWII, including those on the MS St. Louis, many of who went on to die as a result, and he's a hero.

    Let's see the Dems square this.
  12. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    My favorite retort is when you don't defend your side but said the other side did something worse 70 years ago.

    Keep 'em coming.
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