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Militia seizes Federal building

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Inky_Wretch, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Has CNN reported on this yet?
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Holiday weekend, happening in Oregon? I'd say the odds are slim they'd break into Bourdain reruns for it.
  3. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    As best I can tell, you're right.
  4. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    One has to have an IQ over 50 to understand humor. Baron checks in at 42.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Oh, I understand humor very well. In fact, I thought it was hysterical when you cut and ran for 6 weeks after Obama was reflected.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Baron, on a day-to-day basis, are you a miserable person?

    Other than the WWE, what gives you joy?

    I'm as political as anyone, but good lord, I can laugh at myself, laugh at people who agree with me, laugh and with folks like LTL, JC, or Cranberry when they crack a joke at me or conservative issues. On some level, you've got to be able to step back and realize this isn't really the only thing that matters. People who disagree with you aren't your enemies, and you might even be able to enjoy a laugh with them if you let yourself.
  7. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Data from the Pew Research Journalism Project shows that conservatives are less likely to have their views challenged on social media — but liberals are more likely to block or unfriend someone online because they disagree with something they have posted.

    Those that Pew describes as "consistent conservatives" are twice as likely as the average Facebook user to say that posts about politics on the social network are "mostly or always" in line with their own views, according to a survey the organization performed this spring — with 47 percent saying their views dominate the conversations they see.

    Liberals are more likely to unfriend you over politics — online and off
  8. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I can laugh with anyone, regardless of persuasion, as long as it's not politics. I don't consider politics to be funny, except when politicians get caught acting stupid. People die because of politics. People have lives ruined because of politics.
  9. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    From Gawker: YallQueda
    BitterYoungMatador2 likes this.
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    If the plan is to wait them out, what will LEOs do when like-minded terrorists show up to join the cause? Or if more Bundys show up with food and water? Are they going to risk shots being fired then to keep them out if they aren't willing to do so to regain control of Federal property?
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Don Lemon is still sobering up from his New Year's Eve bender.
    Riptide likes this.
  12. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    From the Facebooks:

    "If these guys were any other race than white, they'd be riddled with bullet holes by now."

    "These guys are home-grown terrorists engaging in armed insurrection against the US government. Some call this treason."

    "If you are unarmed, peaceful protestors who are blocking traffic, we will respond with U.S. Military equipped swat teams, National Guardsmen, helicopters and tanks, label you as thugs and criminals and put you in jail. Because, after all, you are not white. If you are armed to the teeth and forcibly take over a Federal facility, threatening armed assault against the Federal government, we will call you peaceful protestors and go back to our morning coffee. Because, after all, you are."
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
    dooley_womack1 likes this.
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