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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Not going to happen. Besides, the conservative base has absolutely no interest in Rubio's platform, which is essentially ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy and interventionism abroad. Just GW Bush without any experience.
    Lugnuts likes this.
  2. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    These ads will all be on outlets of the Right Wing Screech Machine, where 99.999999 percent of the audience has hated Hitlerry with a blazing white hatred for 25 years.

    The righties have been trying to hang something on her ass for a quarter century. This is going to be the year Santa Claus finally delivers?
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    You do realize I'm using the same exact logic that anti-abortionists use, right?

    But thanks for admitting that their logic is the worst.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it will be, with that FBI criminal investigation that's not even a criminal investigation.
  5. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    The KKK/David Duke thing is one of the more bizarre chapters in this race. Trump had apparently disavowed him last week, then on Sunday during an interview, said he didn't know enough about him to do so. Then he disavowed on Twitter again soon afterward.

    I think he was making an inartful attempt to completely distance himself from white supremacy - "Never heard of it!" - and it backfired.

    Well, kind of backfired. No one will give a shit
    Lugnuts likes this.
  6. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    Trump can't completely distance himself from the KKK. That's his base.
    Lugnuts, HanSenSE and exmediahack like this.
  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Now he's blaming a faulty earpiece.

    How a faulty earpiece could lead anybody with a brain into saying "maybe some groups within the KKK aren't so bad" is beyond me.
  8. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  9. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    That's why the Alabama senator backs Trump. That's the base.
  10. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    He's going to blame the media, insult Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and rampage to victory on Super Tuesday.

    People need to stop freaking about shit like this. Some sensationalized pseudo-gaffe is not going to bring down his candidacy. Stop trying. His body of work is.
    HanSenSE, exmediahack and JackReacher like this.
  11. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    Yep, and also Paul LePage, who is essentially a downeast David Duke. How the hell did Maine elect that guy?
  12. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Three way race each time allowed LePage to win.
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