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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    I already told you why.

    There's not a sexist bone in my body. Just like there is not a racist bone in my body, yet I still sometimes disagree with our current president.
    SpeedTchr likes this.
  2. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    And to fully elaborate my position, I think she is an extreme case of lawyering in all walks of life -- everything she says can be bent to the truth, but it's still an eyebrow raiser. (The emails don't amount to much, but she is not wholly pure on that one.) All of her positions seem to be focus-grouped to death and lack Sanders' genuineness. I'm not crazy about that.

    But that doesn't make her a different politician. That makes Sanders (and Trump) a different politician.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    BYM's misogyny is as apparent and vile as Mark2010's racism, yet he's not been called on it until now (when it's aimed at a leading liberal politician).

    As long as he doesn't call her a clam or a twat, we're ahead of the game.
  4. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Why don't some of them chime in? Even in our little SJ world, I can remember no fewer than about a dozen posters say they don't like Hillary but will "hold my nose" and vote for her anyway. All Democrats.
  5. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I know you've seen the studies that show we are all somewhat racist. Every last person.

    I don't think it's hard to believe that inherent bias translates to gender matters as well. Shit, man, we grew up as Catholics!
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Hillary was plenty likable to old white democrats in 2008.

    The difference between then and now is that the African-American voting block went with Obam in 2008 and is with her in 2016.

    The young, white, idealistic liberals weren't with Hillary in either cycle.
  7. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    That'll come if she's elected. You know, after all of these people "hold their nose" and vote for her because she's so likable.
  8. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha. So so far we have because she's a "battleaxe." MC still can't find a way to describe what he dislikes about her. I'll go with smart, powerful woman until someone can articulate otherwise. The exact same behavior and political acumen in a guy would be interpreted exactly the opposite. Can some of you guys just admit that you feel threatened by strong women?
  9. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Lance Armstrong doing steroids overseas is the same as trashing national security. 8)
  10. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Baron's title as dumbest poster is in jeopardy.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    If he's at 35.8%, the field would be at 64.2%. So ... no.
  12. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    And a dismal failure at at least one.

    Then again, it might be poetic justice that President Hillary has to deal with the fallout of all the fuck-ups by SoS Hillary.
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