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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Is pie free?
  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    As has been noted throughout the two, five, ... 47 pages devoted to this topic, as a practical matter the position of the Democratic Party is that the woman's interest trump all.
  3. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I agree with this.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Turn in your sanity card (LongtimeListener).
  5. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

  6. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

  7. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    And what about all those 20 and 30 percent babies ...we'll regard them as nothing but "clumps of cells" because they haven't yet reached your 40 percent demarcation?

    Only problem with your "viability" standard is that it's not entirely clear what that means. You know, preemies as young 21 weeks have survived, and plenty at 22 and 23 as well. Try telling those people they weren't viable when they were born.
  8. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Very few survive at 21 weeks, and a low percentage survive at 22 and 23 weeks. Just because they happened to be lucky enough to survive doesn't trump another woman's right to decide if her fetus is viable.
  10. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Trump and @The Big Ragu agree on something:

    Trump has for months contended that the U.S. economy is in trouble because of what he sees as an overvalued stock market, but his view has grown more pessimistic of late and he is now bearish on investing, to the point of warning Americans against doing so.

    “I think we’re sitting on an economic bubble. A financial bubble,” Trump said. He made clear that he was not specifying a sector of the economy but the economy at large and asserted that more bullish forecasts were based on skewed employment numbers and an inflated stock market.

    “First of all, we’re not at 5 percent unemployment. We’re at a number that’s probably into the twenties if you look at the real number,” Trump said. “That was a number that was devised, statistically devised to make politicians — and, in particular, presidents — look good. And I wouldn’t be getting the kind of massive crowds that I’m getting if the number was a real number.”

    In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years
  11. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    How much longer until everyone has this whole abortion thing resolved? Has anyone, in the history of ever, argued hard enough to change the mind of someone who is firm on their position?

    The next primary can't get here soon enough.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  12. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Yeah, time to play the panic card.
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