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Dear dimwit on the phone

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Starman, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've had that happen as well. And then the coaches in our our coverage area swarmed me because they knew I had the results. A coach came up to the press box and asked if she could have a copy just moments before I was provided one, and the meet director said no. I let her look at them when I got back down to the field.

    I'll never understand why meet directors do that.
  2. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    You're a rebel, fossy. Keep sticking it to the style gods!
    HanSenSE likes this.
  3. fossywriter8

    fossywriter8 Well-Known Member

    Just another example of The Man trying to keep me down. Fight the power.
    KYSportsWriter and BDC99 like this.
  4. king cranium maximus IV

    king cranium maximus IV Active Member

    Time for a May entry. This was a few years ago, admittedly not at a newspaper, but the level of Moron should be familiar-ish. Keep in mind during this that our CEO and COO are not in the same location as me.

    Me: Hello, this is KCMIV.
    Caller: Who is your COO?
    Me: Sarah H.
    Caller: I need to speak with her immediately.
    Me: OK, let me transfer you. For the future, her direct extension is XXXX.

    (two days later)
    Me: Hello, this is KCMIV.
    Caller: Who is your COO?
    Me: Sarah H. I believe we spoke a couple of days ago. Shall I transfer you again?
    Caller: I need to speak with her immediately.
    Me: OK. Again, remember that her direct extension is XXXX.

    (two days later)
    Me: Hello, this is KCMIV.
    Caller: Who is your COO?
    Me: Again, it's Sarah H. We have discussed this.
    Caller: Who is your CEO?
    Me: Jim D. This information is also available on our website.
    Caller: I need to speak with him immediately.
    Me: OK, I'll transfer you. I'm not sure why you're calling *this* number, and for the future, his secretary's direct extension is XXXX.

    (two days later)
    Me: Hello, this is KCMIV.
    Caller: Who is your CEO?
    Me: OK, I have to ask at this point what it is that you're looking for.
    Caller: I need to know your COO and CEO.
    Me: I have already told you this in multiple calls. What is it that you need?
    Caller: Your COO and CEO didn't answer my question.
    Me: OK. What is your question?
    Caller: How can you fine someone $100?
    Me: I don't understand what you're talking about.
    Caller: My son parked in your lot overnight and was ticketed for $100.
    Me: That's a public lot next to our building with spaces reserved for employees. If your son was ticketed, that's on the city.
    Caller: My son doesn't have $100.
    Me: I'm sorry, but we can't do anything about it.
    Caller: I need you to drop the charges.
    Me: Again, we can't do anything about it, so I'm going to end this call.
    Caller: I'm going to your CEO and COO about this.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    They will have a lot of fun trying to get through to them.
  6. Old Time Hockey

    Old Time Hockey Active Member

    It would be easy to do if they just say they're a consultant with an idea to a.) reorganize the newsroom or b.) increase web traffic.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Dear Insane High School Baseball Parent,

    No, we do not have some sort of conspiracy to keep your son's picture out of the paper. So when you asked for pictures of him and mentioned he had never been in the paper, and I remarked that it was weird and "just one of those things," I meant it was "just one of those things." As in a coincidence.
    He's a pitcher who does not hit. Pitcher pictures are fine, but boring, and I prefer to use others if I get something good. I can't explain why he's never been our player of the day, since he is a good player, other than he's probably played a total of 10 games this season and we happened to use other people on the days he pitched. We've talked to him. We've quoted him. We've included his exploits in stories when he's done well. But, yeah, "nothing from his hometown paper."
    Thanks for reading,


    P.S.: Here are the pictures you asked for. Three of them from three different games, which I'm sure in your muddled mind that we've intentionally left them out. Enjoy them, and please go drive into a tree.
    Bamadog likes this.
  8. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    They'll probably go to your CEO about this. Do you have that number?
    BDC99 and OscarMadison like this.
  9. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Dear overly enthusiastic gymnastics person,

    No, your team has nothing in common with the Golden State Warriors. Don't force it. Your team finished in fourth, fifth and sixth place in different routines. The Warriors were the best team in professional basketball. Your team wasn't even the best team in youth gymnastics.
  10. Kolchak

    Kolchak Active Member

    If you call the Microsoft Store at the mall enough times to complain, eventually Bill Gates will answer.
  11. RedCanuck

    RedCanuck Active Member

    I had a good one today while I was trying to transcribe my notes. Guy calls and tells me how some mechanic ripped him off on a repair. Apparently, he looked online, found out that parts cost less than he was being charged and was outraged that said company was taking advantage of him. It goes on for about 10 minutes, he tells me how he's brought all of his vehicles to the company and so on and so on. Then, he says "So what are you going to do about it?"

    First, I said, "Well, did they give you a quote before you let them work?" "Well, no," he says. So I reply, "Well, when I take my vehicle somewhere I look up the prices of things and then I ask them why their prices are what they are. I also get quotes from other guys. "

    He responds "I know the prices." So I ask him why he let them fix his car. "It's a trust, man," he says back to me, and goes back to the "What are you going to do about it?"

    I say to him,"Basically nothing. To do it, I have to go to every mechanic in town in secret and try to see what they're charging to even know if this mechanic is out of whack. Then, I have to talk to the ones who I'm going to suggest are somehow ripping their customers." I explain to him legally I have to do due diligence and that I have three staff members total who each have a lot on their plates. He says "Do I have to do it for you?" I tell him to do what he wants, thinking to myself that if he just did his own work first, he wouldn't be in this mess.

    He asks again, "Are you going to do something?" I say, probably not. He says "Then I'll just speak to the owner." I say, "Please do, sir" and hang up.
  12. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    I'm reminded of a story many moons ago. A local TV station had a consumer reporter who would make inquiries on behalf of viewers who felt ripped off or were not getting issues solved quickly enough. A person in our town was going to the that reporter with their tale of woe, but got ahold of another desker, saying they wanted to give us the story first. Uh, no thanks.
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