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2016 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Gutter, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    It's all Hogan's fault. The last time he had any sort of storyline, he an Axel were the Metapowers. But then Hogan got fired and they had to strike out any memory of him.

    When all else fails, blame Hulk Hogan.
    schiezainc likes this.
  2. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Losing Sandow and Barrett sucks, but the others really aren't big losses.

    Barrett and the E mutually agreed to part ways a few weeks before his contract was up, but we all knew that was coming. Not sure if the same thing happened with Sandow, though it wouldn't shock me.

    Cameron put the nail in her coffin by siding with The Big Guy.

    Hornswoggle -- or however it's spelled -- hasn't done anything in what seems like ages, and Santino's in-ring career ended a year or so ago because of (IIRC) a neck injury. I liked Riley on commentary, but his character was going nowhere in NXT.
  3. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    Riley can rage all he wants now.
  4. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Rob Feinstein claimed that there was a holy-shit release coming on Friday, but thus far nothing. There was a hot rumor that Randy Orton was gone because his WWE.com profile went missing, but that was apparently a technical glitch and now it's back in its rightful place.

    Talk had been that there could be as many as 12 releases in sum, so there could be more on the way. There's plenty of deadwood still to be pruned that wouldn't be noticed by most fans. Jack Swagger's phone presumably is on airplane mode.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    When they released Riley, I wonder if they said it to his face?
  6. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    I'm giving you a ground-rule double on that one.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I'll take it.
  8. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The WWE has come down to this. A potted plant is getting more cheers than the top champion.
  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    To be fair, it does have more charisma and cuts a better promo.
  10. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    Big Cass solo in the main event? Steph suddenly caring about what the fans want?

    Are they leading up to Steph leading an NXT takeover of the main roster, perhaps with Triple H back?

    Maybe I'm looking too far into it, or maybe I'm just sleep deprived.
  11. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The plant needs to branch out and sprout some technical skills.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    He's a little green, that's for sure.
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