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2016 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Gutter, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Sasha's been injured, so you might as well keep her out until the SummerSlam build and let Charlotte finish off with Nattie.
  2. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    As noted, Sasha has been dealing with some injuries, including a bizarre concussion at a house show where the referee, of all people, kneed her in the head. Supposedly, there is also the rumor that Vince is cooling in her because he sees her as injury prone, and doesn't want another Bryan situation where plans get ruined because of injuries.

    Bayley's thing is that she became TOO popular (how dare she). They're worried about drawing for the NXT house shows without her, and, of course, they're not going to give her a monster push right away on the main roster because the E only does what they want instead of listening to the fans.
  3. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    Meltzer reported post Mania that Sasha was being held out for a long term story, so its not just injury.

    If Bayleys too popular fine, leave her down. Take her out of the title pictuere because she'll be gone soon. Fine.

    Why doesnt she have an attraction match on this show? She's the best performer. She's someone I'll tune in to see. As it is, if I'm out of work I'll probably watch the Americans finale live and watch NXT some other time. Havent said that about a Takeover in a long time.
  4. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I think the title, The End, could have something to do with it. I remember when the name was first revealed, people reacted as if it meant NXT was ending. This was around the same time they announced the return of the brand split, too.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    And we have a Paul Ellering sighting at NXT.
  6. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Observer from June 13:

    - Currently, Punk’s MMA debut is planned for Aug. 20, with Sept. 10 being a make-up date if more time is needed.

    - Lesnar is a one-shot deal for UFC for now, with more dates possible depending on sales numbers. Because he’s on a UFC contract, he’s subject to random drug testing now.

    - Cody Rhodes is booked for some dates with Evolve, and he’s also in the PWG Battle of Los Angeles tournament. Eden Stiles, his wife, is appearing at an Aug. 26 show he’s working in Pittsfield, Mass., to counteract Maria Kanellis being with Mike Bennett.

    - Damien Sandow’s non-compete period is until Aug. 7, but he’s been given permission to work non-PPV and non-TV shows until then.

    - Edge and Beth Phoenix, 35, had their second child.

    - Moose is believed to be leaving ROH for WWE, with TNA a secondary option if the WWE deal falls through at the last minute. TNA offered more money, but WWE is WWE. ROH is still negotiating with him though, and Roderick Strong, who’s contract is also expiring. If either signs, they’d be in the September NXT debuts.

    - TNA is trying to get the Hardys to sign exclusive contracts, which is weird, because they’re otherwise cutting as many costs as they can. Either one would require a shit ton of money, because both are hot on the indies, and could likely go back to WWE anytime they wanted too.

    - WWE is trying to strike a deal with UFC and Dancing With The Stars’ Paige VanZant, given her popularity on that show.

    - Wyatt has been medically cleared to return, and will probably do a run-in sometime in the next two weeks. It’s unknown if he’ll be heel or face.

    - La Sombra, as Andrade Cien Almas, made his debut on NXT TV on the June 8 show.
  7. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    His daughter Rachael has been a prelim wrestler for NXT, and I think she's a regular with Shine. Given her bloodlines, you'd think WWE will sign her at some point. Power lifting champion, according to the Internets.
  8. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Kinda surprised there hasn't been much reaction on here to the show last night.

    Tag match was the match of the night, followed by Shinsuke and Austin Aries. Title match was pretty good, but the damn camera angles were a bit too much.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    If the E had any sort of creativity, he would interfere in the MITB match with his family, then climb the ladder and take the briefcase himself.

    Wyatt with the briefcase could be a lot of fun.
  10. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    NXT show last night was stellar. Once again.

    Man, Dillinger is over with the NXT crowd but he's being used as a jobber still.
    Thought his match with Cien was pretty good, even if it was the weakest of the night to me.

    American Alpha and The Revival tore it up last night. That Belly-to-belly off the shoulders by Gable was jaw-dropping. Never seen it done. Can't wait for more matches between these two teams. I know that wasn't 3-second warning at the end but certainly has their type of gimmick to them. Paul Ellering coming out was great.

    Shinsuke continues to impress me. If he can improve his English he'll be more of a star. Austin Aries did what he always does. And hey, there was a Bobby Roode sighting. I also keep waiting for Hideo Itami to come back and turn heel on Nakamura.

    Asuka and Nia told a pretty good story and even though she was cleanly pinned for the first time I thought Jaxx came off strong.

    Finn-Joe was fantastic. Lots of near falls/false finishes and the Super Muscle Buster was incredible.
  11. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    That belly-to-belly counter was the best move of the night. I thought it was a botch at first, but went back and watched again. Incredible move.
    Tommy_Dreamer likes this.
  12. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    I don't understand what they're teasing tonight on social media vis a vis NXT. It's the opposite of what HHH sold on his conference call last night.
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