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2016 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Gutter, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. clintrichardson

    clintrichardson Active Member

    i'm surprised money in the bank is scheduled against game 7 of the nba finals.

    i know a game 7 isn't guaranteed, but this feels about as smart as putting the royal rumble on the weekend of the super bowl.
  2. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not like anyone buys the PPVs through their cable providers anymore. People are going to watch the PPV that have the Network. They can watch whenever they want.

    Me, I'm not going to be able to watch it until I get home from work, and maybe even after Game of Thrones. All I have to do is avoid idiot spoilers.
    sgreenwell likes this.
  3. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I'll have to be on FB blackout for similar reasons, because I'll watch the NBA finals live and then the PPV on tape / network delay.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Well, Cena/Styles saw some basic old-school booking, so there's that.

    Spoiler alert: Fantastic crowd for that match.
    KYSportsWriter likes this.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Spoiler alert: Holy fucking shit.
    KYSportsWriter likes this.
  6. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    As soon as the title match ended, it just a matter of "Wait for it ..."
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Our long national nightmare is over. I can live with that.
  8. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    I can't believe they did that, in a good way. The big dog goes down, clean. Thank christ.

    The rest of it I did not love. Cena Styles was fun and set up the next one as expected. The best match besides the main 3? Maybe Corbin ziggler? Which is more of an incitement on everyone else than a compliment to Dolph and Baron,

    The women's match was height of the divas era level bad, bring back the Bellas bad.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    A bit surprising that Roman lost pretty cleanly, although they'll bring up why Rollins was trying to signal someone out of the ring. Weird match in terms of Rollins playing face even though he's heel and Reigns being heel even though he's somewhat of a face. It shows how fucked up their booking has been. Maybe the E is finally giving up on Reigns and wants to see if Ambrose can carry the ball?

    Ambrose winning sets up numerous possibilities. Ambrose may just drop the belt back tonight, lose the next PPV, and go back to the midcard. Or, this sets up a three-way at Summerslam. Or, maybe Lesnar comes back in, proclaims that he beat Ambrose at WM, so he deserves a title shot at SS.
  10. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Caught up after work. Yikes to some. Yay to other stuff.

    Tag match was ok when I could tell who was legal. New Day's gonna get the record.

    Women's match was a Diva's match. Dumpster fire at times. Am I supposed to find Dana Brooke attractive? I'd rather bang the troll from Ernest Scared Stupid. Heel Nattie won't work because she can't stop smiling when she locks on the Sharpshooter. How did Charlotte and Becky, two-thirds of the Women's WrestleMania Triple Threat, turn into this pile of ardvark shit?

    Styles vs. Cena was booked in a very interesting way. Expected Cena to win the battle (and eventually the war because I'm a jaded fucking mark sometimes). I didn't figure his first match back from injury would be this year's annual "Cena jobs clean" match. Leaving that for later? SummerSlam? Survivor Series? Would have been ok with the ref bump had it not happened again later in the night. Can Styles be any more of a redneck? "Is this all he's got? Sheeeeit." Dahahahahaha!

    MitB went as I planned. More on that later.

    Baron Whogivesashit def. Dolph Ohsothatswhathappenedtohim

    There's still a US title, but I went to take a dump during the match. Is there an IC belt anymore?

    World title match. So weird. Heel Rollins working face, at first struggling against the big, bad champ, in his first match back from injury, with face (?) Reigns working heel while beating the shit out of Rollins and talking shit the whole time. It's the fucking Twilight Zone.

    I like Rollins' new look, but brother has got to fix those wrist straps. Worse than Cesaro's knee pads. Staple them on or something.

    I enjoyed the match itself. Rollins looks great, Roman did fine. I tell ya, playing this bad ass dick who can put people down with power moves, then shit talk, is the character he should have always been. I like to boo heel Roman. This works for me.

    The cash in. Saw it from a mile away. Did not care. I think The E forgets that sometimes it's ok to telegraph how a story is going to play out as long as you do it well and it's the story people want to see. Never stopped me from enjoying Stone Cold's stuff back in the day. Doesn't stop me from enjoying the Ambrose stuff. Not everything has to be an OMG surprise to be good.

    And, for the first time since Daniel Bryan in 2014, we have a babyface world champ. Our long national nightmare is over, indeed.

    (Reigns lost clean. Ambrose is the world champ. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CHANGE THE TIMELINE, BARRY!)
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  11. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    I'd cool my jets on promising Lesnar any title shot until UFC 200 plays out. Imagine if he loses.

    Heyman: "Brrrrock Lesssnnnar wants a world title match!"
    Logic in storytelling: "The fuck outta here wit dat shit."

    But I would like Lesnar to lose his real match. Brings him down to earth, makes him human again for a good WWE story. Is the Beast still what he once was? Are WWE SuperStars smelling blood in the water off the coast of Suplex City? All this and more, next time, on Dynasty!
  12. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    Ambrose being champion makes watching the shows worth it because seemingly he could lose at any time.......although the cynic in me did wonder if he's headed to Smackdown so they can put a big gold belt on Reigns in six weeks.

    The booking in the main event was excellent in terms of the match itself.....Roman is a giant, strong guy and he should work like a giant, strong guy. Yeah, in the WWE style a lot of the times that looks heel....and that's perfectly OK. Hope you're right and they've figured it out.
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