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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    All the talk about how people will ignore Trump's many missteps, but the reason Hillary's issues don't get much traction is that her supporters just don't care. And many of those supporters have a little influence in how NARRATIVES!!!!! are shaped and sustained.
    Batman likes this.
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Vince Foster! Whitewater! BENGHAZI!
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Let's start with the e-mails. They've gotten a lot of coverage ... from places like the talking heads on Fox News, conservative blogs and talk radio. All of which are obviously partisan and have a large niche audience. How much has it been covered on the network news broadcasts?

    Them Wall Street speeches, same deal. She makes a point to say Trump won't release his tax returns, but it's never brought up that she won't release the speeches. Trump could probably score some points by offering that deal.
    Similarly, Trump's business dealings are being put under the microscope. Has Hillary ever been asked serious questions about her exorbitant fees for giving speeches? Or how she was "broke" when the Clintons left the White House but now appear to be millionaires again? Has she released her taxes (seriously asking; I don't know if she has or hasn't)?
    There's also her reputation and general demeanor, which to describe as ruthless and robotic, respectively, is being generous. Anyone who pokes fun at it or points it out -- as they would with any other politician -- is labeled as misogynistic and unfair.
    There was a strong exposé written back in the winter that should have sunk her campaign, would have sunk 99 percent of candidates, but didn't gain any traction at all.
    There always seems to be smoke, but there's never any fire. Maybe that's because there really isn't anything to all this stuff and it is really a vast right-wing conspiracy. Maybe the Clintons are just that damn good at covering it up. Or maybe it's just because most people in a position to do so would rather just say there's no fire and go about their business.
  4. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    What do we really know about Hillary Clinton?
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Unless there is some sort of evidence of quid pro quo deals for the speeches, what, exactly, is shady about the Wall Street speeches? Politicians give speeches all the time, even for money.

    Her answer about her fees is that is what they're willing to pay. Contraire to right-wing radio popular belief, she's not a socialist. They're willing to pay her, she's willing to accept. Just like any other person.

    On her website, she said she has released her taxes from 2007-2014. I don't know if she released this year's return yet. Either way, she has a track record of doing so.

    The rest of what you're complaining about, "ruthless and "robotic", is just emotional sloganeering. What do you want them to ask her: "Why are you so robotic?"

    There's one other maybe that you should think about: Maybe voters give more of a shit about actual issues that directly affect them and their families instead of noisy distractions about personalities, private money deals and bedroom behavior.
  6. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I've said a dozen times, I find the Clintons to be habitual line steppers. I think she's a shape shifter who didn't have the guts to vote against the Iraq invasion and now wants to act like that vote didn't happen. I think she fabricated taking fire on the tarmac in Bosnia, maybe because she was scared or maybe because she's a liar. I think she purposefully got a private email sever just in case, knowing other politicians had used personal email and so this was just one step more. I think she approved circulating that picture of Obama when he was young an wearing a turban in Indonisia knowing it would freak people out. She often seems like a woman who wants to be hip or funny when she's anything but. I think she is often too much of a pragmatist and lacks the guts to take any kind of bold risk politically.

    HOWEVER: She didn't fucking kill Vince Foster and she didn't fucking sit on her hands while her friend, ambassador Stevens, was murdered. The suggestion that she could have prevented that and did nothing, and is somehow a "murderer" is so stupid, so insulting, so moronic, anyone who believes that shit, or acts like they give one ounce of shit about the people who died serving our country, is a FUCKING DISGUSTING COWARD.

    Hillary Clinton is a flawed candidate and a flawed person. She has also shown competency in many jobs and is quite good at grasping the important issues, and listening to people who want/need her to take up their issue. I think she is kind, not cruel, and has handled a lot of misogyny with relative grace.

    At her worst, she is light years better than Trump, a man so utterly incompetent and immoral, the fact that cowards like Rubio can say "I can't trust him with the nuclear codes but will still vote for him because Hillary used private email and wants to let poor people keep their health care" is fucking insane. The idea that she's some evil communist who will radically transform America is so divorced from reality, it's like these people live in s world where the sky is red. She will likely be far more moderate than Obama, who at times governed like a moderate Republican from the 1980s. She will likely let (née encourage) Wall Street continue to play roulette with our economy. She will make reasoned decisions and probably survive a pointless impeachment trial that will be extremely unpopular. She'll be a one term president. But at least we won't fucking die in nuclear winter because a con man fraud and Cheeto-faced huckster decided that North Korea needed to have a lesson taught to them, and China wiped out Hawaii in retaliation.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    1) I don't have a problem with her making money off of speeches. That's America, baby. It's when she gets up there and blasts others for making gobs of money off of their talents -- and that they should be penalized for it in the form of higher taxes -- that she should be taken to task for it.

    2) The character traits are more of a perception thing. People lampooned Bill Clinton's sex drive, Reagan's age, Bush's IQ, Obama's ears and speech patterns, and Trump's hair and general buffoonery. It's not like satirists haven't had time to figure out Hillary by now, so what's the caricature of her? Has it appeared yet?
    It's a small thing, but it goes a really long way in how the general public perceives a politician.

    3) If modern voters cared about that, we wouldn't have gotten Obama, we wouldn't have gotten Trump, and we might not have even gotten Bill Clinton. All of them ran or are running, to a degree, on a cult of personality that has absolutely nothing to do with actual issues. Hillary Clinton, to her credit, gives some lip service to issues and it helps that her opponent hasn't gotten into it yet. But make no mistake, a big part of why she's electable has less to do with her politics and more to do with her last name and gender.
  8. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    She slept with Webb Hubbell.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    What did Clinton and Obama do the night Ambassador Stevens was murdered?

    Where were they?
  10. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Well, whereas Trump got rich and is now trying to go to Washington, Hillary went to Washington and then got insanely rich. Trump's campaign would do well to point that out. Pretty sure the Founding Fathers didn't think going to Washington should make someone filthy rich.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I bet they were watching the whole thing on television and laughing and hoping their friend, who had dedicated much of his life to public service, who die a painful death and they'd get to TiVo it so they could play it back for their enjoyment. I bet neither can orgasm without that snuff film.

    Or maybe grow up. Have some dignity and stop exploiting the deaths of people you don't give two shits about because you dislike her politics.
    Big Circus, Ace, dixiehack and 6 others like this.
  12. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Its so easy to throw out conclusions "she's a bitch", "she's a liar", but where are the facts? Show the facts. Its all innuendo and opinions.
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