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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    And considering the number of contractors and vendors he ducked out of paying, a case could be made for their homes being built by slaves.
  2. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Yes, that Motherboard article explaining the digital fingerprints and techniques was a false flag.
  4. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Trump doesn't have massive business interests in Russia and former Soviet block, yet. He has options contingent on his winning and allowing Russia to ' reoccupy' their old empire. He has dealt with the Russians and they took his advance money and stiffed him. He can't sue and can't admit he got taken.
    He has not agreed to put his assets in a blind trust during his presidency.

    Why is it no other Billionaire backs Trump? No business owners of substance back him. He's not considered a player in NY real estate and hasn't been for 20 years or more. We haven't heard from any friends, if he has any.

    I think that his hard core supporters like Putin. Someone should ask Trump if he thinks he has the power as President to declare martial law in the US and suspend elections until the terrorist threats and immigration problems are solved. I'm betting that he thinks he can do it
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Your whole post is silly, but let's but this little bit of it to rest:

    Hokie_pokie likes this.
  6. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Translation: Even though Tony was once very much against Trump, he will vote for him because that is who the Republicans chose and now he is desperate to justify that decision.

    As a sports fan, I root for laundry. As a citizen, Tony votes for laundry.
    dixiehack, Inky_Wretch and RickStain like this.
  8. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I'd like to know a whole lot more about his financial entanglements with wealthy Russians and friends of Putin.
    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  9. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    You may not like it but Trump is a pansy for Putin. We won't honor our NATO agreements unless Trump is satisfied they paid up front and enough. Trump is flaming fascist as are his voters
  10. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    This is a much better car dealer commercial.

  11. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

    Betcha he's a free market guy, except when it comes to car franchising laws.
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Mayor of Baltimore is a major six and I would
    Double Down, Riptide and JackReacher like this.
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