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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Conservatives: Obama is acting like a dictator!

    Media: Fact check -- He's issued fewer executive orders than the last four presidents.

    Conservatives: This is a clear example of left wing bias! Look at how many executive orders he's issued in the last ten minutes. That's a 2000 percent increase.

    Media: Um...

    Conservatives: Scoreboard!
    Donny in his element likes this.
  2. Earthman

    Earthman Well-Known Member

    Just curious, do you consider "the Russians are interfering with our election " rhetoric ?
  3. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Trump's a racist.

    He barely hides his contempt for the whole human race.

    He's Daniel Plainview: I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.

    That's who Trump is and has long been. He is simply finding an America that appreciates his position without any of the side dishes of bullshit.
    Riptide and qtlaw like this.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    "Raw number of executive orders" is a spectacularly shitty way of measuring executive power expansion.
    SpeedTchr and YankeeFan like this.
  5. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

  6. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    It doesn't even have to be spin, anymore.

    Conservatives: There are no American flags or anything remotely resembling the flag at the Democratic National Convention.

    Media: Yes, there were, on both counts. Here are eleventy billion pictures of American flags and clothing and signage resembling the flag at the Democratic National Convention.

    Conservatives: No, there were none. And, in fact, the DNC ordered people not to bring flags because Democrats are so offended by them.

    Media: Here are more pictures of American flags and clothing and signage resembling the flag at the Democratic National Convention.


  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I would think families of 150,000 US soldiers who would have been sent to die in Iraq for fake WMDs are quite happy most of that adventure is done.
  8. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Agree on both counts. Don't wanna release your tax returns? Don't run for high office. And I'd bet folding money that Trump's tax returns would be "interesting" in an "embarrassing" way ...

    What? How do you keep track of how old you are in lawyer years?
  9. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Good Lord. President A could issue eleventy billion executive orders and President B could issue one, and President B could be light years further along the dictator path. It ain't the quantity of the executive orders, it's the content.
    Hokie_pokie, SpeedTchr and RickStain like this.
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Awfully nice of the slave owners to allow the slaves to sleep on the ground. After all, they could have made them sleep standing up.
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    If you want to make an argument that Obama hasn't wielded more authority than previous Presidents, that's cool.

    But, to point to the number of executive orders vs. the scope of them is completely disingenuous.

    It's similar to deciding which Congress is more or less productive based solely on the number of bills they passed.

    I think we need some more advanced metrics here.
  12. Earthman

    Earthman Well-Known Member

    Obama: I want to restore the moral basis to counter terrorism
    Conservatives: Obama convicted and put to death al -Awalki without due process
    Liberals : There was adequate justification. Trust us
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