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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Trump makes Hillary seem as honest and selfless as Maria Von Trappe
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

  3. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I'm sure Sean Davis can corroborate and confirm his sourced accusations better than CNN. Oh wait. He doesn't provide a source.
    Inky_Wretch and YankeeFan like this.
  4. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    So Conservative Hero Donald Trump wants an ideological purity test for immigrants that may require them to support gay rights? The Religious Right won't like that.
    What, pray tell, does Trump associate/ Conservative Christian/ child molestation apologist Mike Huckabee think of that?
    Smallpotatoes and Inky_Wretch like this.
  5. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    It's more.

    Your consistent tactic is to turn every critique into a "yeah, but they do it, too" line.

    At what point do you make a value judgment and accept that, while both are imperfect, one is worse?

    And maybe you think the media is worse. Maybe it's Trump. But your responses often seem to indicate that no one has ever considered the other side.
    Lugnuts likes this.
  6. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    To be fair, America's Mayor was saying there were no terrorist attacks on American soul after 9/11 until Obama took office. I mean, it's still wildly inaccurate but he didn't forget 9/11.
  8. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Then he's truly a Trumpista if someone has to explain what he really meant!
  9. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Yes, Giuliani was trying to make a distinction similar to the one Trump attacked Jeb! for trying to make in the GOP debates.
  10. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    This is his quote:

    “Under those eight years, before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

    I had respect for his leadership in the wake of 9/11. Since the mid-2000s, especially lately, I think he's become mentally ill.
    Lugnuts and Inky_Wretch like this.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Pure as the driven snow. Became worth more than $100 million from "dead broke" by selling access to the highest levels of government.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Campaign 2016 won't just have lasting implications for American politics. It's obliterated what was left of our news media

    I Should Coco likes this.
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