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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    Yes but not a lot of college degrees and also all those cranky old farts who like Trump.
  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    FTFY, @Michael_ Gee style
  3. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Things I did not know. Democratic pollster Nick Gourevich says Halloween is one of the hardest days on the calendar to conduct polling.
  4. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I just wanted her opinion, but all I got was a rock!
    HanSenSE and HC like this.
  6. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    This summer, your case for Trump was that he was a blank slate uninterested in governing; that the heavy lifting would be done by the nice conservative true believers behind the scenes while he showed up for the photo ops.

    Now you want to sell him as a bold visionary unafraid to get ahead of his party and lead them where they don't want to go right now, for their own good.

    That's some impressive chutzpah, in its own way.
  7. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

  8. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    This isn't smelly tofu, but I feel cheated there wasn't a Durian Trump meme: A few people eat it up, but the rest of us thinks it smells like shit.
  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. A lot of people aren't home, and the ones that are or do answer the phone are busy and distracted.
  10. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    It is his platform and he hasn't said a single word since the platform passed against any of the hateful thoughts contained in it. Holding a flag isn't going to change that.
  11. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    If Clinton is elected: All out non-stop partisan warfare with an enraged opposition which only has hated of her to unite it. Four years of 2016
    If Trump is elected: United government will push through an unpopular agenda with an unpopular (whoever wins will be unpopular) President. We saw in both 2006 and 2019 that unified control of the government is itself unpopular. God only knows what foreign affairs will look like.
    I honestly believe there are only three possible scenarios for the rest of my lifetime (I'm 67), and I list them here in order of my guess as to probability. 1. Endless trench warfare destroying the norms and then the institutions of government, as is happening to the Supreme Court and FBI. 2. Republican total victory allowing them to pretty much formalize white nationalist control of government in perpetuity. A formula for endless civil strife that'll make the '60s look tame. 3. Repudiation of Republicans from within their own party forcing a more practical approach to government.
  12. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    This author thinks 2 is coming sooner or later.

    The GOP’s Age of Authoritarianism Has Only Just Begun
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