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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    Interesting and fair post, but I honestly don't understand how President Obama mocked or hurt these people, your neighbors, beyond just being their President. They're mad because of same sex marriage? I really don't recognize this America, clearly, because I'm flabbergasted by this election.
  2. SFIND

    SFIND Well-Known Member

    Yeah really, why are we so sad? 25 million new jobs soon to be here in no time thanks to our new President!
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    She was an elitist candidate in a year of populism. I think it is that simple.

    The only reason it was close is that he is a doofus and a bullshit artist. But he had a populist message that appealed to gullible, disaffected people, and enough of them grasped onto his bullshit to make him president. They weren't voting for him the person obviously, as much as they were voting against the same corrupt elitists who have been ruling for decades and seemed to have disdain for the people they were actually ruling. I think that "basket of deplorables" tape summed it up perfectly.

    I have watched this election feeling ridiculously sad, and at the same time saying over and over again that "America is getting what it deserves." In an almost gleeful way (sadly), because I have seen the future unfolding in slow motion for the last 2 decades, and I really do think it was all avoidable if people weren't so dumb.

    I half wanted her to win, even though I despise her and all of the corruption that comes with her, because America was going to be hit with a serious debt crisis and forced deleveraging very soon. Regardless of who was president. And people tend to blame the person sitting there at the moment when shit hits the fan. I wanted her to get that blame, I guess, because she is a giant ball of corruption, and because she was part of the idiocy that created the mess we are in over the last several decades.

    Instead, we get a bullshit artist and a jerk as president. Just a terrible person. So it really isn't any better, unfortunately. The crazy thing is that I suspect that his idea of what a president does is a giant cartoon, and with the honeymoon period he is going to get, we have a good chance to see a run up of wasteful spending in the face of the mess he is inheriting. He may as well be Bernie Sanders, I suspect, once he gets in there. What we have needed all along, though, was someone with the guts to allow a deleveraging to happen -- and for people to understand that there are no magic wands. In fact, every magic wand they have been promised and they voted for, actually led to the type of government that is slowly destroying the country.

    The person I am talking about -- who starts to unwind the mess -- can never get elected president, of course. And even if he or she was elected, it would come with immediate pain (that will lead to what we need in the long run to ACTUALLY fix things). So instead we have gotten more and more debt as an answer to a debt problem that has been built over decades, and most importantly (and what people don't get) massive monetization of that debt to keep it all going -- even as our economy slipped into a depression after 2008 because we effectively reached our limit.

    Our election is about whoever slings the best bullshit to match the mood of the gullible masses, whether it is "Yes we can," . ... or "Make America great again" when the last line of bullshit they bought leaves them even more disaffected. That is what happened. The depression we are now in, got a lot of working class people who feel fucked over to grasp onto a clown as the new answer. The only legit thing that clown COULD do if he had a clue (and he doesn't) is allow a lot of pain to happen so we can begin to heal a giant mess. We have lived a fantasy for a long time, and there is a price to pay for that -- from entitlements to the rest of the trillions to all of the monetization of debt that has created a mountain of PRIVATE debt, there needs to be a serious deleveraging and defaults. That is the cure. But people won't want the reality that entails and Trump won on a message of "fixing" it. So he will make some lame attempts at more of the same and ultimately preside over a disaster -- his rhetoric has been all over the place. But he isn't going to be that much different, if I am right about that (and I have no clue). It amounts to slapping bandaids over tumors. Those tumors have gotten big -- and that was the reality whoever got elected was facing. I suspect people won't look back over several decades, when 98 precent of a disaster was sowed, to really understand the cause of their problems.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
    I Should Coco and Stoney like this.
  4. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    I've covered Clinton events for the past two years -- plus some of her 2008 events. A plethora of pantsuits and Katy Perry anthems.

    Her events all lacked the energy of the Obama and Sanders events. Not too many young people. Mostly the crowd looks like they listen to Carole King on Sunday morning while carrying a bagel and the New York Times across their wood floors. It felt like a joyless slog at every one of them, along the lines of "well, we don't have anybody better in the Democratic stable after the 2010 and 2014 massacres... so, I guess, we'll nominate her."
  5. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    This was Jesse Ventura in 1998... just on a national level.
    DanielSimpsonDay likes this.
  6. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    His entire business history is built on vengeance and screwing over people he thinks are below him. I believe people can change, even later in life, so god bless President Trump. Here's hoping he's an entirely new man.
  7. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    When Obama was first elected, I was one of the ones who wanted him to prosecute Bush administration torture as a criminal matter, which it was. He didn't on the grounds it would tear the country apart. He was right and I was wrong. Vengeance politics leads to places like Syria and Northern Ireland during the 20th century. Who knows? Perhaps in victory, President Trump will find he has bigger fish to fry than chasing his imagined enemies.
    One small, make that tiny consolation I feel this morning. The two previous worst election morning afters of my life were the Nixon landslide and GW Bush in 2004. All seemed lost. Before the next midterms, Nixon was out in disgrace and Bush sinking to depths of unpopularity. I'm sure Republicans felt the same after the Obama sweep in 2008. They bounced back OK. Our country is too closely divided for one side to dominate government for too long, especially if it pursues unpopular policies. If Trump, who hardly seems like an ideologue, and has been known to change a position now and then, makes efforts, however feeble, at reconciling with his opponents, he could start his presidency with some real momentum.
  8. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    No way he will quit. I can point to one reason alone - he is going to really enjoy his shiny new toy: Air Force One. Four years of getting to ride in that.
  9. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    People have been saying he would quit almost from the day he announced he was running. If you want to go back in this thread you can find a whole ton of would-be experts here telling you again and again Trump was going to drop out of the race.
  10. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    I don't think he'll ever quit. But he's 70 and overweight. Now add overworked to that. He could end like Warren Harding, the up till now champion of overmatched presidents. Pence would fit the Coolidge role, too.
  11. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    He'll replace the presidential seal on the side with his Trump logo. In gold.
    doctorquant likes this.
  12. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    No taxes and full employment. Starting now
    SFIND likes this.
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