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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Then I congratulate you on the Senate and House.
  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Neither candidate got as many votes as their parties' candidates got in 2012. In low turnout elections, Republicans always win.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    First, you are not getting that. It's nonsensical to think that one party in control of the legislature and the executive = gridlock.

    Second, even if you did get gridlock, that paradigm makes no sense anymore the way it did decades ago. At the Federal level we are slinging $4 trillion + budgets and the vast majority of it is 1) entitlements (mandatory spending) and 2) interest on the debt we have run up to keep those entitelements in place.

    It's not enough anymore to think in terms of "gridlock," that somehow just deals with a fairly small percentage of the money that is going out the door in a discretionary way and think that gridlock that keeps that from expanding is the answer. We are drowning in entitlements -- trillions of dollars of them that we can't pay for every year. And we have resorted to an unsustainable scheme that has furiously been doing everything possible to suppress interest rates to keep us from drowning in our own debt.

    Yet, that is not the discussion most people are having -- yet. We'll have them when we have no choice -- and that is so much closer than a lot of people realize, including the politicians who don't want to touch reality. It's too bad. Because we could have saved a bit a small bit of misery we have brought on ourselves by having those discussions earlier. But that isn't human nature.
  4. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    The Vermont Gov. isn't exactly Tea Party material. Actually, the Republican governors are the ones with the most on the line now. If Trumps fucks up, most of them will be on the ballot in 2018.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member


    Polls stories, especially the ones that are based on a national count, are useless. A candidate could be up 60-40 in the national poll, yet lose because of how they do in individual states. Someone else mentioned here about how four polling firms were given the same data and came up with four different results. The obsessing about polls in the national media is lazy journalism. It's easy to devote column inches or airtime to a poll story instead of actually sending someone out into the field and interview people. Had they gone out and talked to those quiet Trump supporters, as ExMediaHack pointed out, they might not have been surprised at last night's result, and the reasons for it.

    Which leads to today. The national media is surprised at the result because the polls kept telling them Clinton was winning. Instead of actually having boots on the ground, and talking to multiple people about the actual issues, they spend more of it talking breathlessly about the latest poll and "what it means."

    Which leads to your point about the pundits. I agree. Enough already. One common complaint of Republicans is The Media (in general). A lot of it is nonsense about bias, but they do have a point about how The Media keeps trying to tell them how to think, and, in this case, they see this election as a way to revolt against The Media. There's way too much analysis and opinionating, instead of, again, actual reporting. I get that airtime must be filled, and all, but again, do some reporting, instead of having people on to spin the latest development, especially when you already pretty much know what they're going to say (opposing what the other side said or did.)

    Someone else on here posted a (I think it was CNN) video story on Trump supporters in a small West Virginia town that was pretty much dying. I found it to be quite informative. They seemed like nice people who just want good-paying jobs and an assurance that their hard work would be rewarded. I found the story considerably more informative than listening to a couple of bloviators going back and forth about some trifling nonsense. Had The Media devoted more time to stories like that, that, and less on polls and opinion, maybe they wouldn't have been so surprised at last night's result.

    As for Trump, time will tell how he does. It's one thing to get elected. But now the real work begins. Go ahead and get rid of Obamacare. Enjoy your spiking of the football. But you better have a replacement, and prices better go down, because if not, you're going to be hearing about it. Oh, and there better be multiple hearings ever single time there is an embassy attack.
  6. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Let's look at the methodology behind the USC/LA Times poll.

    Spot on for 2 straight cycles, yes ?
  7. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Ragu. you do realize that the next budget is going to feature a huge tax cut and higher spending on the military and infrastructure, right? It'll be high intensity Reaganomics, boosting the very income inequality we are told is the root of Trump voters' discontent.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Trump isn't anti-gay, anti-black/hispanic/Muslim.

    He didn't run on abortion or social issues. He didn't bend to evangelical voters -- at all. They bent to him.

  9. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Not really. Clinton will win the popular vote by about one percent it seems.
  10. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    Now the Facebook feed of my friends is all of these sob stories about how their kids are crying or one person - whom I consider a friend who is gay - saying, "I can't believe a majority of Americans hate me and my life."

    This isn't a sea change in social policy. It's about people tired of giving Washington a blank check and throwing money away. It's about the people who didn't get an iPhone at age 13 and don't take 571 selfies a day trying to improve financially.

    Millennials... it's always about you.
    jr/shotglass and SFIND like this.
  11. dirtybird

    dirtybird Well-Known Member

    We sure about that?
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    All of the Democrats who were lined up to appear on Morning Joe canceled.

    That's like a coach or player not talking to the media after a tough loss.

    Maybe they just didn't know what they were supposed to say. I'm guessing there weren't any talking points being disseminated last night by the Clinton campaign.
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