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Royal Bank of Scotland to investors: 'Sell everything'

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Dick Whitman, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Well, the IBB is still about 17 percent below the highs in made in 2014, LTL. So all the snark in the world doesn't change the fact that the broad market index (on the back of relatively few stocks) doesn't make it so you have been making any money based on the advice you were idiotically giving people on here.

    I, on the other hand, actually DO have money at risk (not endless bullshit) every day and I'll gladly post my trading statements over the time this thread has existed and compare them to your trading statements -- since you think I was giving you trading advice. Are you game?
  2. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    You're such a fucking dickhead.

    Never at any point have I invested in the IBB. Never at any point have I tagged its progress to 2014. I have pointed this out repeatedly on this thread and you refuse to answer those posts.

    I am doing quite well in FBIOX, thank you, which has an avg annual return of +6% over three years and +21% over five years (the time horizon I've been on it).

    It's so awesome that you just cannot admit being wrong.

    JC likes this.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I think I hit a nerve.

    Dunno. You turned discussions I tried to have about market fundamentals into trading advice that you snarkily kept trying to attribute to me. That is CERTAINLY fair game.

    One difference -- you need to make up parameters and attribute things to me. I am actually going by the nonsense YOU posted on a thread. Not making up anything. But going by what you actually posted on here. Not lopping sentences out of posts and creating narratives around them full of idiocy. But going by EXACTLY what you have said. Bugs you, huh?

    Funny how you cherry pick dates when you make up the trading advice you attribute to me to create a your BS. It's hysterical -- until I turn it on you, and then I am a dickhead (you can't help but show your true stripes).

    But no cherry picking of dates to turn that trendline below for that fund into "doing great!"
    Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 11.53.25 AM.png

    Yeah, great.

    The funny thing is, that I know the difference between investing and trading. And do fairly well at one of the two things. I get it. You are invested in that fund you own -- it's not a trade.

    I'd never do that, for what it is worth, if you didn't insist on trying to turn long posts of mine about fundamentals into an excuse to act like a jerk toward me and turn it into a trading discussion I never had (with you mischaracterizing my posts). It is galling, because I actually make a decent amount of money TRADING, and have an understanding of it that I am certain you don't (based on your posts).

    But since I am a dickhead. ... And you are a master trader, and insisted on making that the punchline of my posts. ... I know your trade in the IBB hasn't worked out. You are bleeding money over the last 2 years (doing great, though). But I am certain you have made it up elsewhere with all your trading skill. So let's compare. I will post monthly trading statements -- pick any time period during the time this thread has been active and I will accomodate YOUR parameters. ... but only if you agree to post yours so we can compare. Deal?

    Attached Files:

  4. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    You will absolutely be right someday. The equities markets will take a dive because that's what markets eventually do, but you've been consistently and obstinately wrong for the entirety of the second-longest bull market in history. That's seven-plus years of wrongness. You should own that.
  5. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Do you have small hands Ragu?
  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member


    I never traded IBB. I have a holding in FBIOX. They're probably about the same returns, but get the terminology right.

    I can see this as evidence of how you can live in your alternate reality, because you simply aren't functioning in the real world. I'm not cherry-picking dates. I'm telling you how my investment has gone. Just for you, I looked it up -- I bought FBIOX on 7/22/13. It has returned 44 percent in the 3 1/2 years I have owned it. So you're trying to tag me as some big loser for an investment that is paying off quite handsomely and has become part of the short-range plan to send my oldest son to college. I will take that kind of "loss" eight days a week.

    The funny thing is, I don't trade. I'm very much a buy-and-hold guy. The kind of person you tell all of us to be.

    I really don't get why you think you're scoring points on this. But it is further evidence of how far outside the real world you operate.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    That isn't true. I did not sit out the entire bull market. I turned negative on it in December, 2014. The S&P was right around 2090 at the time. It is sitting at 2195 right now. Despite this conversation, the broad index has not soared since it peaked out at 2130 in May, 2015. It has actually had trouble getting higher without more quantitative easing (but has held up on near 0 interest rates and negative rates in other parts of the world funneling speculative money here).

    Furthermore, I don't trade equities primarily, but it's not like I haven't been long equities during that time period. I have traded the equity futures -- aside from how I might invest retirement money (and yeah, I have a lot sitting in cash waiting. .. but no, not for the last 8 years!).

    I have been absolutely shocked that they have managed to prop it up much beyond where it got in early 2015, but I also never would have thought that the amount of asset buying (taking over whole bond markets and even buying equities) by central banks during the time since and negative rates would have been a possibility before the bond market imploded. It will happen. And a massive deleveraging is going to happen which won't just bring equity prices down a long way. The debt is fueling a lot of areas. It won't be a mystery why -- a "markets eventually do," thing that has no rhyme or reason to it.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    The IBB is just a biotech index. It's easier for me to type that than figure out what fund you own. And no, it hasn't done great -- while you were picking apart my posts to attribute nonsense to me and thinking you were the king of snark. It's part of the point, I guess. The broad indexes are up (and really only marginally over the last 2 years), but most stocks -- including a lot of previous high flyers, including the biotech sector -- are well off their highs.
  9. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    A 44 percent return in 3 1/2 years isn't doing great?
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Down close to 35 percent in the last year and a half. We are just looking at that time period. Your made up parameters -- when you were being a jerk toward me on this thread.
  11. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    But I never said anything about that time period.

    I have never said anything other than "here's where that has gone since I bought it in July 2013."

    So my "made up parameters" are not parameters I made up.

    Goodness, being wrong has thrown you for a loop.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Of course you did. The trading advice you distilled from my posts and how much money you would have lost had you listened to me. Do I really need to dig out the posts where you said that?

    When the reality is that nonsense you attributed to me (which of course has no reality in anything I ever told you or anything I actually said in my posts). ... your account would be in much better shape than what you actually have TOLD US you own -- you know, your "just buy one or two high beta groups" what can go wrong there? posts. Maybe you should have listened to the voices in your head that you thought were me. That biotech fund is kind of struggling during the time you have been being a jerk toward me.

    BTW. ... Your returns (but quick google furiously to try to cherry pick a date and create some of your bullshit) are just wrong. Even with dividend reinvestment that fund is not up 44 percent since 7/22/13. The NAV is virtually unchanged since them. The NAV was around 190 then. It's around 190 to 195 now -- closed at 193 and change yesterday but will be down today. And biotech stocks don't typically pay a dividend, so any dividend that fund has paid has been negligible. In fact, July, 2013 was in the middle of a speculative run that took it to its peak a year later in July, 2014. Since then, that fund is down about 35 percent -- pretty much back to around where you just told me you bought the fund.
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