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2016-17 College Football Bowl-a-Rama thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Steak Snabler, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    I was sort of thinking they would get a pass this year because the games were Saturday. But the games were so suck today -- even the non-playoff games -- then they have to wait a day because of the NFL for the rest of the lot. Is anyone going to care at all on Monday? The bowl season has become so long and pointless and now they can't even get their playoff games into a good spot. And even then they made the rest of their "big" games an after thought. I guess the good news out of this is it will likely make at least an 8-team playoff happen and a good chunk of if not all the bowls go away. I think that is where it's headed with this handling.
  2. cisforkoke

    cisforkoke Well-Known Member


    "Who cares what you think?"
  3. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Since I am old, I remember that on those occasions New Year's Day fell on Sunday, the bowls, even back in the bowls-only era, moved to Jan. 2, to avoid conflicts with the NFL and also with church, believe it or not.
    Vombatus likes this.
  4. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Sometimes on Dec. 31 as well. In those instances, you'd have two Sugar Bowls (or Orange Bowls or whatever) in one calendar year.
  5. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Yes, they've been doing that forever.
  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

  7. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    They've always done it, but now you have a two-day gap from the games that mattered to the games that don't. Just will be interesting how viewership will be. If they made the two playoff games tomorrow that's a whole different story.
  8. bstnmarthn354

    bstnmarthn354 New Member

    No one's going to care on Monday, just like no one's cared since this whole bowl charade started weeks ago. With the exception of the two playoff games, how many games have filled their stadium to more than 50 percent of capacity. Judging by what I've seen, they can be counted on one hand with a few fingers gone unused.
  9. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    There were 37,000 at the Pinstripe Bowl, which I didn't think was bad considering it was on a Wednesday at 2 p.m. Between two teams not known for traveling well.
  10. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Rose Bowl will be a big deal, because it always is. And USC being in it doesn't hurt.

    Sugar Bowl too, since Auburn hasn't been there in a while.

    But yeah, the Outback Bowl and Cotton Bowl ... good luck filling those stadiums.
  11. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    One of my coworkers told me Friday he decided to go to the Cotton Bowl because he saw tickets selling for $12 on StubHub. Good seats, too (he said). Twelve bucks!
  12. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Didn't they move the '86 Fiesta Bowl to Jan. 2 to give the rare 1 vs. 2 matchup its own night?
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