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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    How do we tell kids not to be pussy-grabbing racist braggarts with sleazy business practices and zero empathy when that's what got the president his job? That train's not coming back to the station anytime soon.
  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    I hosted a big Christmas party during Clinton's impeachment in the House. Put a sign in the kitchen "Politics Stops at the Bar's Edge." Everyone adhered to it.
    DanielSimpsonDay and doctorquant like this.
  3. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    I suggest a game of Monopoly!
  4. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Tell 'em there's been a scabies outbreak in your family.
    SnarkShark and three_bags_full like this.
  5. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    No customs involved here, just a blizzard.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    My brothers and I once all killed each other one Christmas night playing poker.

    There are six of us, and despite differences in politics, we all get along. But, holy shit, that game of poker nearly broke us.

    Hearts or Spades are still ok.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Wait. You found people in newsrooms who aren't jaded, bitter and caustic?
    HanSenSE and typefitter like this.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I once new a guy who worked in newsrooms who was so optimistic, his co-workers nicknamed him Mr. Sunshine.
    Ace likes this.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    My ex -- born in Taiwan, but a US citizen, though I think she may have been traveling with her Taiwanese passport -- got backroomed flying into YTZ one time.

    It took her a while to get out, and for a while I was sure we were going home on the next flight.

    It probably didn't help that, because I had made all the travel arrangements, she had no idea where we were staying, or exactly when we were leaving.

    Could never figure out of it was a random thing, or if something triggered it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Regarding Trump supporters vs Trump haters, I know a lot of both, and it's my experience that if there are Trump haters around, the Trump fans tend to dial it down. Not so much the other way -- or the anti-Trump folks assume everyone not actively grabbing a crotch is on their side.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    YankeeFan likes this.
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Totally true.
  12. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    European countries that aren't American puppets do not demonize him. They have their various disagreements, but there is no outright refusal to work together, no lectures when those leaders meet with him. The EU would lift sanctions in a heartbeat if America would let them. Germany is dying to do business in Russia.

    Not exactly. One killed his country. The other is trying to bring it back from the dead.

    That's why we like the former, and hate the latter. The nerve, trying to bring your country back from the dead.

    Doesn't it strike you as remarkably convenient that the only two Russian leaders America likes are the one who killed his country (Gorbachev) and the one who shit all over the corpse (Yeltsin)? Is that really the only way to get America's "approval?" Fuck that.
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