Peanut butter on a burger is the straight truth. My go-to at my local burger joint: cheese, bacon, peanut butter, jalapeño. Hell it's good.
Peanut butter and jelly are a great combination. It's just that bread is not the perfect medium to join them together. Like watching a truck try to drive across the ocean. For Fiona's birthday party on Sunday we had a selection of pies instead of cake. We had a peanut butter and jelly pie that was delightful. Just had the last piece for breakfast. On vanilla ice cream, try heating some peanut butter in the microwave. Pour that over the ice cream, and add some jelly. It should be a "preserves", with chunks of fruit, not just plain jelly. Delicious.
Jelly and peanut butter. And I'll see YF's melted peanut butter and raise him melted Nutella over vanilla ice cream.
There is nothing wrong with bread as the medium with pb&j. I have maybe three pb&j sandwiches a year. I can take it or leave it. But i never saw the bread as the problem.
Having been single, hungry and broke for significant portions of my adulthood, I can attest to the fact that rye bread -- while generally a top seed -- is a disaster with peanut butter.