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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Riptide likes this.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I didn't recognize her, but I seem to remember that Bristol Palin was cast on Dancing with the Stars.

    Now, do you really want to compare this with the accolades and praise Chelsea receives for doing nothing?

    Palin was savaged for the crime of getting pregnant before getting married. Somehow, that made her an easy target for the left. Did she attempt to cash in n her 15 minutes of fame (infamy)? Sure. I guess she did.

    But, she wasn't given a $600,000 a year no-show job by NBC News, where the only thing we remember from her multi-year tenure there was an awkward, terribly scripted, interview with the Geico Gekko.

    Editors weren't dressing her up in leather bomber jackets for magazine cover shoots, and declaring how COOL! she looked.

    There wasn't constant media speculation about when she would run for office.

    She wasn't given awards at fancy NYC luncheons.
  3. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    The media was just as unhinged about the Palins as you are about the Clintons.
  4. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    A. Do you doubt Mike Allen's reporting?

    2. What you point out is what makes it so funny/humiliating, but I don't see why it would cause you to cast doubt on it.
  5. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    Damn those liberals and their crusading against having children out of wedlock! I'm tired of it!
  6. CD Boogie

    CD Boogie Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure Jenna Bush got a similar BS job with a major news program, with no experience and bonafides other than being the daughter of Dubya
  7. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Here's the difference:

    With Chelsea, she's getting tons of praise, and I'm asking why does she deserve it.

    With Palin, she was getting tons of criticism, and some of us were asking why she deserved it.
  8. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    What is Chelsea's "job?"
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    True. Though she is much better on TV than Chelsea. (Low bar, I know.)

    She never got her ass kissed in the media the way Chelsea does though.
  10. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Or the child of a former president. I know you'd like to forget it but Bill was prez for eight years. We heard about Amy Carter for years after her dad left office. The Ford kids, too. And we'll hear about the Obama daughters as well.
  11. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    It's kind of a weird complaint from YF, seeing as the child of a Republican President became President himself not so long ago.
  12. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Why does any B-list celebrity get publicity? Because they move a certain amount of product, in this case magazines or web hits. And every time you hate-click on a Chelsea article, that counts just as much as if someone who likes her did it.

    And hell, you'd be sad if no one mentioned the Clintons anymore. You need to swing at that piƱata the way an addict needs his daily fix. After all, what good is a bitter rivalry without a rival?
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