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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    The investigation is ongoing. Maybe it will yield collusion between Russia and Trumpistas. Maybe not. Time will tell.

    (And I don't think Trump was in the know if campaign collusion happened. Except when it came to taking money from Russian mobsters in real estate deals.)
  2. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Christ, why is it that EVERY time someone calls bullshit on what is obvious numerical sophistry. ... the answer is like some of the people on here when they do their, "Well, what about Hillary"? Or "What about Obama?"

    Obama's budgets were silly with rosy assumptions. That has zero to do with the ridiculous set of assumptions in this budget, Nick!

    I usually count on Larry Summers to come up with some kind of political hackistry. But he was 100 percent right about one thing.

    It's bad enough that they are proposing reducing revenues and they have come up with the bullshit that it will be offset by unrealistic economic growth from rainbow and tooth fairy land. But what they are doing is double counting their dubious benefit!

    First, they are saying tax cuts are going to bring about growth (and ridiculously unrealistic growth, given the economic malaise we are in and the reasons for it). Fine. And at the same time, they are claiming that the tax cuts don't cost in overall revenue. It's unadulterated nonsense. It defies logic.

    Summers had it right. It's akin to buying a company under the assumption that you will make investments that increase the profits. ... but then putting out a projection that calculates those increased profits by counting the higher revenues . ... while ignoring the costs of the investments that were supposedly the impetus for that increased revenue.

    On top of it, in the case of the business. ... an investment might actually generate more in revenue than the investment cost. That is why businesses do capital expenditures. When it comes to government bullshit? Those tax cuts never bring in enough revenue via growth to offset the cut.

    Either way, though, the investment has a COST. Their bullshit just ignores the cost. It's ridiculous.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    HanSenSE and Inky_Wretch like this.
  3. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    And they also have Nazis in the Oval Office. Warm up the ovens.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  4. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Serious question: Was there ever a time when the federal government didn't cook budget numbers? In my lifetime, all I can remember are budgets that used "favorable" math, regardless of which party was in power.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    The horror!

    The Trump administration's goal is to actually get people off of government assistance. Where do they find these monsters?

  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    The Israeli media seems so disappointed by Trump's visit.

  7. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    That's going to work about as well as improving health care by cutting Medicare by $800 billion.

    Getting people off of assistance is a great goal to have. You do that by helping them train to get better jobs, or helping with child care so that the cost of going to work isn't eaten up by day care bills. You don't just cut aid and expect that to do it by itself. You can teach your kid to swim by throwing him in the deep end, but if you do you need to be ready to fish him out. Even better, teach him to swim first.
  8. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    I agree with this in general. Creating a lifetime of dependence for votes is the antithesis of compassion. However, I have little faith that federal and state bureaucracies won't fuck up any legitimate attempts to streamline the process.
  9. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Add Israelis to the list of people that white liberals intuitively understand.
  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Such disrespect!

    Office of the Press Secretary
    For Immediate Release
    May 23, 2017
    Remarks by President Trump at Yad Vashem

    1:27 P.M. IDT

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Sara Netanyahu, Chairman Avner Shalev, and Rabbi Israel Meir Lau for hosting us for this moving wreath-laying ceremony.

    We are here at Yad Vashem to honor the memory of six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Two-thirds of the Jews in Europe were sent to their deaths. Words can never describe the bottomless depths of that evil, or the scope of the anguish and destruction.

    It was history’s darkest hour. Millions of innocent, wonderful and beautiful lives -- men, women and children -- were extinguished as part of a systematic attempt to eliminate the Jewish people. It was the most savage crime against God and his children. And it is our solemn duty to remember, to mourn, to grieve and to honor every single life that was so cruelly and viciously taken.

    As Elie Wiesel said: “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” These words should be carved into the conscience of humanity forever. Only when we remember the families who were torn apart from everyone they loved, who suffered that terrible darkness and evil, who endured the unbearable horror of the Holocaust -- only then can we prevent this agony from ever repeating.

    This place, and this entire nation, are a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people -- and the hope that light can shine the path beyond the darkness. Through persecution, oppression, death, and destruction, the Jewish people have persevered. They have thrived. They’ve become so successful in so many places. And they have enlightened the world. The State of Israel is a strong and soaring monument to the solemn pledge we repeat and affirm: Never again.

    From the depths of the suffering, the Jewish people have built a mighty nation -- and the Star of David waves proudly above this cherished land.

    As long as we refuse to be silent in the face of evil, as long as we refuse to dim the light of truth in the midst of darkness, as long as we refuse to become bystanders to barbarity, then we know that goodness, peace and justice will ultimately prevail.

    With sadness for the lives and dreams that were stolen from this Earth, with determination to always keep the memories of the victims alive, and with resolve to confront evil wherever it threatens, we ask God to give us the strength, wisdom and courage to chart the righteous path.

    Thank you. God bless the memory of the perished. God bless the survivors. God bless the Jewish people. And God bless the State of Israel. Thank you for having me. Thank you.

    1:34 P.M. IDT
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Serious answer. There is less detail in what I saw of this stupidity than in past budgets. I actually look at them. Every one of them is nonsense. You are right about that. Even if you could assume overly optimistic economic growth 10 years in the future (nobody can forecast 2 quarters ahead with accuracy, let alone years in the future), inflation expectations, and unemployment that far out. ... they use very optimistic numbers to get to where they want.

    THIS, however, takes it to a level WAY beyond the usual bullshit. There is a reason why Obama's budgets always used CBO growth projections (which are unrealistic to begin with), and still showed deficits for as far as the eye could see (just not deficits as big as what they knew they were saddling us with).

    The CBO is projecting 1.9 percent growth heading forward. It's overly optimistic given that we have put ourselves into what is a permanent malaise with a central bank having more control over our economy (and the sinkhole it put it in) than anything this administration could possibly effect with tax cuts and reduction of regulation. That 1.9 percent is rosy, in that it would take some serious growth to begin with for us to even reach that from the malaise we are in. These bullshit artists threw a 3 percent growth projection into their nonsense based on something that is impossible -- it's not even credible in unicorn land. Those numbers might not sound like a big difference to the average person, but it is YUGE, as the idiot-in-chief would put it.

    As an aside, no economist on Wall Street is projecting anything close to that kind of growth. They are looking at a range of 1 to 1.5 percent growth -- and THEY tend to be overly optimistic. We are in year 8 of a business cycle recovery. To believe this budget, you have to believe that the business cycle no longer exists, we will not see a recession again anytime soon. ... and on top of it, they are going to spur unrealistic growth like pulling a rabbit out of Trump's hair.

    At least with Obama's budgets, there was an element of truth in it, in that they were saying, "We are going to run up huge amounts of debt." They bullshitted to try to make it look like less debt, but there was that basic level of honesty -- this is what we are doing.

    These bullshit artists are promising the impossible. Tax cuts, no spending reductions (in the aggregate). ... and no massive increase in debt. On a basic level, anyone with a brain should know this: They have taken 60 to 70 percent of our spending off the table ... medicare and social security, which are bankrupting us can't be touched. On top of it, they are proposing spending significantly more on defense and a stupid wall. And on top of it they are proposing reducing Federal receipts via tax cuts. How the fuck is it possible to do that. ... and NOT send the debt spiraling? Their bullshit goes way beyond anything the last few presidents threw out there.

    On top of it, this bs would have been possible 10 years ago. ... before the last president doubled our debt. But everyone (not just this administration) is living a fantasy if they think this goes on much longer. We are very close to having FORCED cuts. So on top of it being sophistry. ... it's just irresponsible. It's Nero fiddling.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    Alma and QYFW like this.
  12. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    You are responding to an imaginary post.
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