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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    He did let a Russian camera crew into the Oval Office the day after he canned Comey
  2. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    It's awesome you're suggesting Russia gets insufficient access to President Trump though.
    dixiehack and Stoney like this.
  3. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    I said twice that I don't understand why I am supposed to give a shit. Do you give a shit, and if so why? I would like to know. I know this is tough for you because it involves you actually having to give an opinion instead of just commenting on other people's comments. I am open to understanding why I am supposed to give a shit about that fat fucktard's comments about the kid. But nobody has told me why.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Nor would he have done much of anything different than Obama did, despite all the horn honking.

    The whole point of the PC accompanying Warmbier's release was to rub Obama's nose in dog shit. That's the whole point of about 77% of what this shitshow administration does.
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Heh. I'm still kind of waiting for the U.S. to, you know, actually DO something re: "helping" Russia (which was the whole idea behind all this nonsense, yes?).

    Sanctions are still there. U.S. is more of a hindrance than a help in fighting ISIS in Syria. Another country near Russia's border joined NATO (against its citizens' wishes, but . . . ). Boy, Russia sure is making out like a bandit since Jan. 20, eh?
  6. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. I can see that reading.
  7. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    I work in the news business. News interests me. Also, there is a regional connection. I'm currently putting the story on my front page. I feel bad for the kid and his parents. Horrifying story.

    We get that you don't care about stuff. But no one cares about what you don't care about. Repeatedly reminding us that you don't care is is about as lame as starting threads to search for posters who haven't been around for a few days.
  8. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    You are him. :cool:
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with those?

    Don't you want to know what ever became of @Bodie_Broadus, @93Devil, @JayFarrar and more?
    SnarkShark likes this.
  10. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    Have we checked the Nork gulags?
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    QYFW likes this.
  12. SnarkShark

    SnarkShark Well-Known Member

    I know what happened to Devil. It was glorious.
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