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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    That's just silly. Public health is obviously a public good. One of the motivators behind Britain's National Health Service was how many working class draft-eligible age men were medically unfit to serve in the Armed Forces in WW1 and WW2.
  2. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Britain, how is Charlie Gard doing?
  3. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    You're not even trying. A public good is, by definition, one that NOBODY gets UNLESS it's provided collectively.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    We'll just hire a mercenary army. The best army.

  5. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Why should I care whether health care fits some specific economic definition of a public good or not?
  6. dirtybird

    dirtybird Well-Known Member

    In a utopian bubble, that first graph sounds pretty good. But that process isn't always that easy. Companies might pay folks to boost yelp ratings. They might find ways to make comparison shopping either expensive or onerous. Folks are pretty good at creating a variety of transaction costs to make that comparison shopping (and the execution of moving from provider to provider) much more daunting.

    On that second graph, if one's child is in the NICU, they, in that moment, would probably pay an absurd sum of money to see their child healthy and at home. They might pay enough to ruin themselves going forward. Since people might be willing to do that to themselves, we would say it's in their interest? Interesting.

    I don't know if it's an entitlement or not. It's sure been treated like one in a lot of places. Maybe that perfect marketplace would just fall into being. Most likely it wouldn't, one way or another. And the world being what it is, us not liking the idea of folks getting priced out of their lives or dying when it can reasonably be helped, it'll always be a pipe dream.
    TowelWaver likes this.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I have no idea. I was just responding to someone who tried to create a parallel with national defense -- and was responding to my post. It required explaining what a public good is, how there is market failure, and why governments need to step in to provide for certain things (that won't otherwise exist). That just isn't true of health care. It is true of our national defense. They are different animals.
  8. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Plainly we are fools for ignoring all the street demonstrations in England and Germany and Canada and Japan and the rest of the G-20 countries with people demanding their health care switch to the Murica! Fuck Yeah! model.
  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Has Faux News done a story on this recently?
  10. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Health care is a different kind of market failure. There is no reasonable way for a person to value their life against monetary assets.
  11. Just the facts ma am

    Just the facts ma am Well-Known Member

    "No" to the notion of transgender
    by Ronald Gold

    “What is transgender? Well, there are two sorts who seem to be covered
    by the name, the drag kings and queens so good at portraying cartoon
    imitations of straight people, and transsexuals, the folks who report
    that from an early age they've felt themselves trapped in the wrong
    bodies. Despite the equipment they were born with that belies their
    assertions, they say they are really men or really women.

    “What does it mean to be really a man or a woman? Since it's not about
    genitalia, it must be about personality, and what, one asks, is a male
    or a female personality? Even straight people nowadays concede that
    some men are the warm, loving type that used to be thought exclusive
    to women, and some women are the strong, action-oriented sort that
    used to be thought exclusive to men. And lesbians and gay men have
    always known that people of the same gender can be very different from
    each other. Isn't it true that those we form mated relationships with
    are always complementary - even polar opposites - to ourselves?

    “Let me state it categorically. There is no such thing as a male or
    female personality. Personality is not a function of gender.

    “So where does that put the concept of transgender? In my view, down
    the tubes! And that leaves the further questions of how transsexuals
    got to think the way they do, and what to do to resolve their
    dilemmas. I hope I'll be forgiven for rejecting as just plain silly
    the idea that some cosmic accident just turned these people into
    changelings. What happened, more than likely, is that, from an early
    age, when they discovered that their personalities didn't jibe with
    what little boys and girls are supposed to want and do and feel, they
    just assumed they mustn't be real little boys and girls.

    “So, parents of such little boys and girls, do not take them to the
    psychiatrist and treat them like they're suffering from some sort of
    illness. Explain to them that, whatever the other kids say, real
    little girls do like to play with trucks and wear grimy jeans, and
    real little boys like to prance around in dresses and play with dolls.
    And make sure the teachers are on the same page.

    “As for adults struggling with what to do about their feelings, I'd
    tell them too to stay away from the psychiatrists - those prime
    reinforcers of sex-role stereotypes - and remind them that whatever
    they're feeling, or feel like doing, it's perfectly possible with the
    bodies they've got. If a man wants to wear a dress or have long hair;
    if a woman wants short hair and a three-piece suit; if people want
    romance and sex with their own gender; who says they can't violate
    these perfectly arbitrary taboos? A short historical and
    cross-cultural survey should establish that men and women have worn
    and done all sorts of stuff. I recall reading something by Jan Morris
    in which it seemed that he thought he needed a sex change because he
    wanted men to hold doors open for him and kiss him goodbye at train
    stations. For starters, I'd have told him that I've had these nice
    things happen to me and I've still got my pecker.

    “Perhaps it isn't needless to say that a No to the notion of
    transgender does not excuse discrimination against cross-dressers or
    post-op transsexuals in employment, housing and public accommodation;
    and I strongly support legislation that would forbid it. I would,
    however, get after the doctors - the psychiatrists who use a phony
    medical model to invent a disease that doesn't exist, and the surgeons
    who use such spurious diagnoses to mutilate the bodies of the deluded.”
  12. dirtybird

    dirtybird Well-Known Member

    Because his point wasn't about healthcare organizations (many without shareholders). It was about healthcare as a concept. It would be like saying, why are police not a business? And having the answer involve the mechanics of how municipalities run them. You knew what he was getting at, but decided to answer another question and then ask how someone could willfully do such a thing.

    You also forgot the most important comparison. Both business and health care orgs sell products and services. And if those are are the same, then it's fair to categorize a child's healthcare as needing to be treated the same as their travel ball team (or hell, a truckstop blowjob, also a servie) because in the end they're just services in the big ole marketplace.
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