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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

  2. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Yes, unfortunately the administration has put law enforcement in the terrible position of having to protect neo-Nazis and white supremacists. It's going to cause that type of confusion, anger and conflict for both members of the public and law enforcement personnel.
    Smallpotatoes likes this.
  3. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    If people are confused and angered by the fact law enforcement must protect neo-Nazis and white supremacists then the anti-fascist idiots are bigger losers than those they're protesting against.
  4. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    What about the "Punch a Nazi" codicil? Has law enforcement been sufficiently briefed on its responsibility to give anti-fa folks sufficient leeway for the administration of this #democraticprocesses sacrament?
    SpeedTchr likes this.
  5. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    All we need to do at this point is haul the fascists to the Ayuntamiento and walk them thru the lines and off the cliff one at a time. That'll cure everything.
  6. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with Nazis and white supremacists being confronted when they publicly espouse their vile, hateful and offensive views. In fact, we're obligated to confront them as Americans who have fought wars to defeat these hideous ideologies.

    Sure, inevitably that will lead to violence in certain instances and law enforcement will then be obligated to stop and arrest the aggressors who will then face the consequences of their actions. And I'd gladly contribute to a GoFundMe page for their legal support.

    Neo-Nazis and white supremacists must understand in no uncertain terms that their views and ideologies are unwelcome in our society. Ignoring them is insufficient.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
    lakefront and Smallpotatoes like this.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I don't advocate punching anyone who isn't threatening you with imminent violence. My sense is that at least some of the people in those groups are angry people who are itching for a reason to act violently themselves. When you act that way, you are feeding right into them. I think the leaders of these movements themselves (if you can call these things movements; but some of the people who are leading this stuff aren't dumb people), really want others to do things like what you are suggesting, because then instead of having to answer for the fact that they are bigots, they can make it about "the other side." They want a smoke screen, because when it's about what they really are -- hateful, bigots -- they are reviled and get left on the fringe of society. When they can make it about something else or someone else, it distracts from that, and they want that.

    For me, the best way to challenge hateful ideas (or any bad ideas) is with reason. When you put the spotlight on the bigotry itself, 98 percent of people are really turned off and reject it. That is how these ideologies lose. I think the leaders of these groups know it, which is why rather than standing up and being proud bigots, they continually create smokescreens. ... it's not about them hating blacks and wanting to segregate, it's about the history behind a statue. Or to avoid talking about the fact that they are racists and bigots, they couch a rally in their right to "free speech." If people take the bait and act violently in response, they give them the ammo to make it about something other than their hatred. For me, that's a loser.
  8. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Great. You can write a well-reasoned letter to the editor. We need that, too. Meantime, I'm also perfectly understanding of people who feel it necessary to stand up to their public congregation and confront them. Every time they come out to demonstrate I'd like to see them outnumbered like yesterday. I don't agree that stomping a few of them plays into their hands.
    SnarkShark and lakefront like this.
  9. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member


    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to differentiate between Nazis and police officers. Normalizing despicable behavior toward law enforcement only gives cover to bad people. You're basically just like Trump with this silly argument.
  10. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    If this is really YF's wife then welcome!

    If it's not, does this mean it's open season on posters' wives and significant others?
  11. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I watched the video. An obviously emotional black woman in the midst of a lot of pushing and shoving lashed out at the black officer for protecting people who want to do harm to both of them. That is somehow surprising to you?
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    The administration has clearly not sought the support of neo-Nazis and/or white supremacists.

    This is such a scurrilous charge, brought by a parry who has played the race card for over 20 years, has embraced folks like Al Sharpton, and has driven white voters, who long supported Democrats, out of the party, and only now, when they vote for Donald Trump, wants to label their former voters as racists.

    And, let's be 100% clear: no party should accept, as members or voters, people who hold views like white supremacy. I reject this. Donald Trump has repeatedly done this, as has every Republican Party leader.

    But, here's what I want to know -- who's support does the Democratic Party reject?

    From what I can tell, and from what @Michael_ Gee has said, the only voters you want out of the party are pro-life voters.

    But, how about folks who don't support equal rights for homosexuals? Are you going to throw them out of the party? Are you going to denounce the African-American and Muslim members of your party, and demand they to vote for democratic candidates? Are you going to denounce any candidate who seeks their support?

    And, folks want to say #BLM isn't racist or separatist. OK, but how about the African-American groups who are decidedly separatist, like the ones the Dallas cop killer supported?

    Johnson liked on Facebook the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), the Nation of Islam and the Black Riders Liberation Party, all listed by the SPLC as hate groups.

    NBPP was formed in Dallas, and its leaders have long expressed virulently anti-white and anti-Semitic opinions. Its leaders have blamed Jews for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and for the slave trade. The late former party chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad once said, "There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes." A document on the NBPP website titled "The Nationalist Manifesto" claims that white men have a secret plan to commit genocide against the non-white races. It also refers to black people who condone mixed-race relationships as the "modern day Custodians [sic] of Uncle Tom's Cabin."

    Dallas Sniper Connected to Black Separatist Hate Groups on Facebook

    Now, the usual response to this is to laugh and chuckle that someone would raise a nothingburger group like the New Black Panther Party, which probably has a few hundred members.

    Yes! Exactly, they're really small, just like the white racist groups.

    Richard Spencer and his kind only thrive when the media turns a spotlight on them, and makes them appear more prominent than they are.

    Spencer has held two big events since Trump's election, one in D.C., around the time of the inauguration, and the one in Charlottesville. Each nationwide event attracted a couple hundred losers.

    The event yesterday in Boston attracted how many people? I've seen "a couple dozen" mentioned.

    This "Nazi" thing is a media creation. It's like the "summer of the shark".

    There's no more white supremacists today than there were four years ago, or eight years ago. They make up no bigger percentage of the republican party.

    The gains the republican party made among white voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio didn't come from attracting new, far right voters to the polls. They attracted white, former Democratic voters to vote republican.
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