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2017 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Rainman, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    And that guy probably got paid something like $50 for that match.

    I get trying to do anything to entertain your fans, get noticed, and get a career break, but that ain't how to do it. Save something like that for Wrestlemania.
    Tommy_Dreamer likes this.
  2. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    So, Asuka had to surrender the title with a "shoulder" injury.

    Good way to protect her streak if it's a work, which I think it is because she answered questions after the match with an ESPN reporter if I read the interview correctly.
    sgreenwell likes this.
  3. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    At least on the latest Masked Man or Jim Ross - I forget which one - they seemed to think it was a legit injury. Either way though, it's a good way to get her off NXT for a couple weeks / months, and then debut her on one of the main shows with her streak intact.
  4. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    Wow. Wasn't expecting them to give one of the Hardys a singles shot this soon. Figured it would've been Jordan winning the battle royal, or one of the Miztourage so they could lay down to Mix next week.
  5. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    John Cena brings out the best in everyone he cuts a promo with.
  6. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    "Cheap ass corporate created Cena bootleg"

    Cena's a savage. And he blasted Roman forgetting his lines. Working with him's a crucible.
  7. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    And then they throw them into some half-ass tag match again. Should've at least had Cena AA Roman after the match, since Roman punched him last week.
  8. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that wasnt great. Against two guys that worked the damn battle royal!

    They gotta write better material for Roman. Everything Cena said was basically true....everything Roman said was crap Ryback whines about that hasnt been believable in 4 years. Presumably Romans going over so he's going to need to find something to go at Cena for that resonates.

    Two other things....crowd was SO dead for the bullet club tease in the battle royal and for the southpaw spot.... Kind of a reminder that most of the fans are compltely oblivious to the stuff the IWC goes gaga for
  9. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Not WWE, but down in Mexico last weekend, there was a rather controversial incident in the AAA lucha show. Sexy Star, best known up here for her work on Lucha Underground, went "shoot" on Rosemary, who has been in TNA/GFW, during a women's four-way match and injured her arm or shoulder. Star and another woman in the match actually legit brawled with each other, and Star took it out on Rosemary, who had nothing to do with the earlier dispute. Lots of people in the industry are expressing outrage at the intentional injuring of a wrestler in a match.

    Sexy Star Pissed Off The Entire Wrestling World This Weekend
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I just saw a commercial for a Camry. They used Cena's music throughout the entire commercial.

    I nearly found myself chanting "John Cena succcccks" the entire commercial.
  11. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

  12. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    Wow. ... just wow.
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