And these teachers are making up for a summer without the boys. This is another one who is married with a kid. Beaumont High teacher accused of unlawful sex with a student – Press Enterprise Her "about me" page on the school's website: “I am a new teacher for Beaumont High School and Head Coach of the BHS Cheer Team. My previous years were spent teaching in the desert at La Quinta High School. My husband is going through school to be a Paramedic/Firefighter. We have a 3 1/2 year old son … We love spending time together as a family and we cherish every single moment!”
Not often you get to throw a poin d_b flag at poin himself. Albeit the other guy did put his thread on the wrong board. Poin is News.
Yeah, I don't often go to that board. But MTM is right. It is always the texts. My armchair analysis says the #1 reason for the explosion of these cases is the text machine.
Yeah, explicit texts combined with sexy pictures make it very hard to claim that nothing was happening.
Probably because every teenage kid carries a library in his hand. The school librarians have become lunch ladies or hall monitors.