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Shooting at Las Vegas casino

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by melock, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    OK. wasn't sure what you were getting at, was thinking you were saying that most gun owners didn't see the threat or care. I'm not an NRA member, but have a few friends who are. Can't speak for all NRA members, but those I know are very responsible with guns.
  2. murphyc

    murphyc Well-Known Member

  3. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Here's seven: Here Are 7 Animals Hunters Kill Using an AR-15

    And here's a good explanation of why: Why You Should Use an AR-15 as a Deer Rifle
    It boils down to the AR-15 being lightweight, accurate with little recoil, and customizable enough to use a variety of ammo and parts that allow it to be reconfigured for a wide array of hunting situations.

  5. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I saw in that "42 guns" article that he had at least one rifle with a bump stock, so that would explain the high rate of fire that was heard. There still may have been an actual full auto weapon in there. You can also buy what's called a gun crank, which attaches to the trigger guard and has a crank which sticks out the side of it. Each turn of the crank will trip the trigger three times, causing a similar sort of rapid fire effect. Those are maybe $40 and completely legal. His gun purchases may have been completely legal, or he might have had illegal modifications done.

    I heard an ex-SEAL who now works as a security consultant on NPR this afternoon. He reworked the security on two of Steve Wynn's casinos after the Santa Bernadino shootings. He said that while Nevada is an open carry state, the casinos are private property and can forbid firearms and do. While he refused to talk specifics he said that Wynn's casinos have metal detectors installed. I assume that they are not obvious - there may be a set like you go through at a courthouse at the front check in to reassure the public that they are safe (or there may be soon), but I suspect that the hospitality industry has them concealed in choke points. Most of the casino security staff is ex-military or law enforcement.
  6. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    They should be ashamed. Do they know Stoney called them gutless worms.
    Batman likes this.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    This might be a dumb question that was explained somewhere, but how was he able to shoot out of a 32nd floor window?
    Was there a balcony? Did he shoot or break the window, or use a glass cutter?
    Those things are designed not to break easily, right?
  8. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    No balcony. There are pictures of two broken windows. Not sure if he smashed them or shot them out.
    Batman likes this.
  9. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    Gutless lazy-assed worms, that's what I kept thinking when I looked at your links.

    I mean, seriously, if you need a military-grade assault rifle like an AR-15 to kill a feral GOAT (or seal, or deer..), then go fuck yourself, I don't wanna hear your explanations.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    What about feral hogs, which breed like rabbits, are tough and smart as hell, and do so much damage to farmers' crops every year (millions of dollars) that they're classified as nuisance animals in most states and can be shot on sight?
    Or coyotes, which cause many of the same problems except to farm animals and pets?
    The AR-15 isn't the only tool for the job, sure, but it is an effective one. You can use the butt end of a screwdriver to drive in a nail but it's much easier to use a hammer.
  11. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I'd be fine with a ban on assault rifles. There is a history of that sort of weapon not being allowed to fall into the hands of the general public. In the period after WWI you could buy a Thompson submachine gun or a full auto Browning Automatic Rifle which was basically exactly what the Army used. These were the guns of choice for the gangsters of the 1920's, and they were a huge advantage in firepower for them. They would rob a bank, and when they came out, if there was a policeman there he would have a six shot .38 revolver. A tommy gun would either kill him quickly or force him to cover while the robbers escaped. Those weapons were made illegal for the public, and to this day the only legal owners of them have an advanced gun collector's license from the ATF.

    If the country summons the national will, an effective ban could be devised and passed. We chose to put a lot of controls on the tobacco industry, and that was as powerful a lobby as any in Washington. The problem is that past bans listed the obvious weapons, typically the scary looking ones which you see in the movies, while weapons which looked more traditional and less frightening but functioned in exactly the same way were not banned. If you ban the M-4 and not the Ruger Mini 14, which is marketed basically as a ranch gun, you've done nothing. In terms of function, they are largely identical other than in cosmetics.

    The most basic of guns, say double barreled shotguns, are still fearsome weapons in the hands of someone who is willing to use them on people.

    Ruger® Mini-14® Ranch Rifle Autoloading Rifle Models
  12. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    Nobody needs a goddamned AR-15 to kill a hog. They die just the same when shot with a normal hunting rifle.

    If hogs need to be killed, fine, kill them. But nonsense suggesting AR-15s are OK because a few fatassed dopes out there use them for hunting is utter mularkey. There ain't a damned critter alive that can't be easily killed by lots of other weaponry far less amenable to mass human slaughter.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
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