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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    It's why they are considered a threat, and that's all that really matters.

    Take nukes out of the equation, and the nation is only given a passing thought --- and only because they piss off SK. There's NK's kind of evil all over that we ignore all the time.

    We ain't talking about war with NK so we can feed their people.
  2. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Britain and Soviet Union/Russia are no longer big enough players to be included. The "four" should probably be the US, China, India (and maybe the EU, led by Germany, considering Angela Merkel is leader of the free world).
  3. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    NK wants nukes to force SK into a merging of the 2 countries into 1 controlled by the NK leadership.
    Russia wants a sphere of influence to exact resources form those countries and create markets for its goods for monetary gain. It will exclude by protectionism goods from Western and Asian nations.

    In the end democracy in international affairs is a form of capitalism. And America is essentially still a capitalist nation, relative to the rest of the world. Open markets and free flowing information about goods creates the best form of supply and demand, which sets production and price levels. It is basic macro economic multinational theory.
    The current Chinese model works because theChinese people are primarily interested in economic prosperity and will sacrifice our concepts of liberty to attain economic freedom. Once they've reached the point where they are not worried about access to food and medicine, they too will turn towards a more democratic system,with a more universal franchise and elections that are real choices.

    Other countries may be acting in their self interest and therefore not evil, if its looked at in a short term view. But when you are hungry, cold, wet and sick thinking past tomorrow is a luxury for most of the planet. I was proud we were better than that.
  4. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Capital gains are not income. As such, they are a form of double taxation. For example, if I own a company, my business is forced to pay income tax if the company earns money. On top of it, I might have to pay personal income tax on that income that was already taxed once at the corporate level. ... if my business pays me a dividend. So that income has now already been taxed twice. Then. ... as if one helping of double taxation wasn't enough, I get taxed on any capital appreciation if I sell my business. Which could be triple taxation.

    And that said, the estate tax (what he posted about) is a wealth tax (calling it "unrealized capital gains" is a bit of word gymnastics, especially because if I die with $20 million sitting in a box in my closet, it isn't any such thing, yet it is subject to the estate tax). The estate tax punishes someone for accumulating wealth. And again, it is a form of double taxation. You get taxed on any income you earn as you accumulate wealth throughout your life. So the estate tax taxes what was already taxed all over again -- and worse, because it taxes the person's wealth when they die, it has the potential to put a serious burden on a person's heirs if what they inherit isn't liquid -- for example, a family business that employs them.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Only 3 problems with that:

    1. Russia has 8,000+ nukes.
    2. It's big enough to dominate every ounce of the news cycle for the past several months, big enough to scare the bejeebus out of our idiots in Washington.
    3. Its president, for better or worse, is the most powerful person in Europe and one of the most powerful in the world.

    So if it's no longer a big enough player to matter . . . leave it the fuck alone.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  6. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    Russia hasn't had an empire since the wall fell. Cranberry's right.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    You know who agrees with him about that's? Kneeling NFL players.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  8. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  9. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Nah, Russia is a little piss-ass annoyance. Not a world leader in any respect.
  10. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    Aren't consumption taxes a form of double taxation, too? For example, I am forced to pay income tax on each dollar I earn. On top it, I have to pay a gasoline tax on each of those already-taxed dollars that I spend on fuel. I understand that most consumption taxes are state-level, but apparently there is a push in Washington to raise the gas tax to pay for more infrastructure. I understand that, to somebody who believes that taxation by its very nature is over reach, consumption taxes should be abolished as well as capital gains taxes. But if the necessary political choice is one or the other, why is double taxation in the form of the capital gains tax more of an evil than double taxation in the form of the sales tax?
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Actually, no. I'd get rid of the income tax (which we never should have opened the barn door on) and tax consumption. To the extent that we need to pay for things (and obviously, if I had my way we wouldn't have trillions of dollars of local, state and federal spending each year), an income tax is destructive. It taxes savings and investment, which is what creates real, sustainable growth (and which we don't have much of anymore. ... thus why we're a declining empire). A consumption tax actually encourages that saving and investment -- if you want to avoid being taxed, don't spend. So to my mind, we do it exactly backward.

    At the same time, most people will point out that consumption taxes tend to be regressive. I don't have a good answer for that, because any solution would be complicated. But I suppose there are ways to graduate them. You could do a personal expenditure tax of some sort in which you file returns that subtract what you save from income, and then maybe you could do graduated rates on the difference. One thing I do personally prefer about a consumption tax funding our spending is that everyone would get hit by it. I think if more people more felt the sting of what our spending costs us there would be more grass roots vigilance about scaling back runaway government. Of course that would also require that we don't fund so much of the spending with more and more debt.
  12. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    I'm just kind of thinking this through out loud, but tell me where I'm mistaken.

    Say Company A hires Person B and pays them entirely in company stock, 100 shares per year.

    Person B sells his 100 shares of company stock on the secondary market to Person C for $100,000.

    How is that money taxed if not for a capital gains tax? I understand the double taxation argument with regard to dividends, but wouldn't the whole system break down if it allowed people to avoid taxation simply by choosing to be paid in some store of value other than money?
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