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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That was not well written. He wrote that he will teach his children they cannot really be friends with white people, then suggests it is just white Trump voters he has a problem with. So which is it?

    I could understand his concern about people of color being friends with Trump supporters. I disagree with it, but I get it. But to teach his children they can't be friends with white people because none of us can be trusted? Sorry, but screw him.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2017
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  4. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    It set a tone in the country that sex, graphic language in media, and worst of all, a workplace relationship between a kid and the powerful person in the world were no big deal. If Juanita Broderick had been taken seriously by people who liked Clinton's policies, we could have had this national conversation (I hate that phrase, but...) 30 years ago.
  5. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    All these years later, and you're still letting your politics get in the way of what in any other context you know to be disgraceful behavior. It's like the Gloria Steinham op-ed every day around here.
    YankeeFan likes this.
  6. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Juanita Broderick denied her original change under oath. Are you actually implying Bill Clinton was not investigated when he was President?
  7. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    From a purely academic aspect, I think it will be fascinating to see what happens if Roy Moore stays on the ballot. It's entirely conceivable, even likely, that his true-believing base simply hardens its support. After all, the more that they're told to dump Moore by national Democrats (whom they hate), the mainstream media (also hate), and establishment national GOP figures (hate almost as much), the more many of them will stick with the "Good" Judge just as an F-U. And in a deep-red state like Alabama, Moore's nearly-impossible-to-sway hardcore supporters could well put him over the top. It might even be more likely than not, provided he gets to Election Day.

    However, is there a tipping point at which enough Alabama Republicans decide that the national backlash the state will receive now and in the future for sending Moore to the Senate will cause them to abandon him, staying home or even – egads! – voting for a Democrat? It seems one instructive historical precedent is David Duke running for Louisiana governor in 1991 vs. the corrupt Democrat Edwin Edwards, which spawned the famous bumper sticker, "Vote for the crook – it's important!" I read (just now) that it was Louisiana Republicans who made that bumper sticker, not the Democrats. That was before my time in Louisiana (I lived there for a few years in the late '90s), but I got the sense that once Duke made national news for his Klan connections, some of the state turned on him because Louisianans were being branded nationally as a bunch of racists for raising him to prominence. Also, Duke apparently motivated a surge of minority participation in the '91 election, which maybe could happen in Alabama too. (Though does Alabama has a smaller minority population? I'm not an expert.)

    What, if anything, would it take for Alabama Republicans to ditch Moore like happened to Duke? Have things just become too hyper-partisan to turn on one's laundry?

    Curious to hear folks' thoughts, especially those with Alabama ties. And for the record, while I find this academically interesting, personally I would be outraged if Roy Moore is elected to the U.S. Senate. Yet I would be able to discuss the possibilities in a dispassionate fashion, and would enjoy doing so with some of you.
  8. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I'm implying, no I'm saying outright that we know more than enough to know that if he weren't a political hero, you and everyone else would be condemning his actions. It was a missed opportunity. I know at the time everyone preferred to beat up on self-righteous Joe Lieberman, but he was the only one to show any degree of integrity. For you to sit here, in a post-Weinstein world and defend Clinton shows that you lack any ability to be objective. I like you, but how can you take yourself seriously? When is the last time you criticized a Democrat, except for not being liberal enough?
  9. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    There are countless Republicans condemning Moore and anyone who stands with him. Plenty (not enough, but plenty) saying the same about the president from their own party.
  10. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    “During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”
    outofplace likes this.
  11. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Heh. His state re-elected Ted Kennedy how many times?
  12. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    Donald Trump is a disgraceful human being, who has committed so many disgusting acts, it's hard to keep count. I would guess some of them were criminal. Our republic is lesser with him representing it.
    Now you try in with Clinton.
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