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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    HC likes this.
  2. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    You know the politics thread is going well when you have entire pages where only one post shows up, and it’s “lol”
    QYFW likes this.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Me either.

    The swings from contentment to anger are befuddling.

    I think he’s a guy who invests a lot of his self worth in his most recent work, and the reaction to it. Like a starting pitcher, who gets bombed, as a long form writer, he has to wait a while before his next chance at validation. A reliever, or a beat writer, gets right back out there.

    And, imagine what it’s like to get skipped over for a start, or sent to the minors to work on your curveball.

    Through in the disruption in the personal life, and it’s a lot to deal with.

    Hopefully we’re on award winning piece away from happiness —not that that is what it should require.
    Dick Whitman likes this.
  4. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    The holiday break has done wonders for the concern-trolling game of YF and DW. Bringing it strong!
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    You misread me.

    I actually like @typefitter. I know he’s a loyal friend, and a generous mentor to young writers.

    I know how much his encouragement and support meant to @Double J, when he was working on, and releasing his book about Slap Shot.

    I think @typefitter is a good writer, who knows how to both find, and tell, a good story. Sadly, these skills don’t always go together.

    I’m rooting for him. I want him to find a permanent happiness that isn’t driven by professional or relationship success.
  6. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    There is a big shakeup coming in the House and Senate leadership of both parties. If Pelosi goes all in on Conyers, she is making a big mistake betting her future on an 88-year old Congressman. My guess is the Dems are locating a strong primary opponent in the district to send the message that he's done. It wouldn't take much - he's not a big fundraiser. A $50k pledge from Emily's List would be enough.
  7. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I like the guy. Can’t help it. It’s dumb not to like someone just because they don’t like you back. I have zero interest in maintaining feuds on a message board.
  8. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    You don't know me, @YankeeFan. We have never met. I've grown tired of your own very particular brand of bullshit, that's all. And because I really don't care what people think about me anymore, I don't have to tiptoe around that fact, like I did for years. I don't know why you think you're my judge, or why you think you get to define me or make declarations about my happiness and my ongoing pursuit of it. You're some fucking guy in Chicago. Why should I give a shit? I really don't. That's a victory for me. It's a small one, but I'm taking it.

    Your little gang here dominates, because you're all here all the fucking time. And because it's a small community, it can feel like it's been ruined for it. What you guys do to @The Big Ragu, what Dick did to @Azrael—it fucking blows. You're exhausting, and if I'm being honest, I've thought of quietly slipping out the door again. But I'm not going to let you guys just suffocate this good place to death. I'm not going to say "it's just a message board," because after all these years, it's more than that to a lot of us. I can admit that. The @exmediahack threads show what a great place this can be. Same with @MileHigh. We're just in a time when a few assholes—often absent from the positive threads, coincidentally, I'm sure—can feel like they're sucking the life out of it. That will pass. In the meantime, post your incessant bullshit, and Dick can do his Trumpian turn for as long as he can stand it, and @QYFW can drive his "That's what she said" routine into the goddamn ground, and you can like each other's posts and pretend your popular. If that floats your boat, great. I think it sucks. But in the end, we're all just people trying to find ways to fill the day, and we fill it however we feel is best in that moment. This place isn't just a message board. It's a microcosm and a magnifying glass. I made a couple of my best real-life friends here, guys who are so important to me that they would be scared to know how important they are, and I'm here to give love to people like them, and to fight people like you, because I believe in sides, and we sure fucking ain't on the same fucking one.*

    [*Any similarity between this post and John Candy's motel-room speech in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is purely intentional.]
  9. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    How was San Francisco?
  10. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    Good, thanks. Catch any big cases while I was away?
  11. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Filed a big summary judgment brief on Wednesday. Hopefully it’s a winner. I’m sure you can empathize about finishing a piece of writing. You always wonder what you might have done differently to make it even better.

    You and I are pretty similar like that, I think.
    YankeeFan likes this.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I don’t “know” you, but you’re an open book man. I think I’m a good read of people, but there’s no mystery to you. You’re textbook, and you’ve detailed this yourself.

    I honestly don’t care what you think of me.

    And, I rarely comment on anyone’s personal life her, or offer up any personal advice.

    But, when I see people like ky, or Bodie, or you, who are in pain, searching for answers, and repeating the same mistakes, it pains me. What’s worse, in my mind is when people keep telling folks who are on the wrong path that they’re doing everything right, and need to keep on going.

    Tough love hurts. I get it. ky and Bodie didn’t appreciate it either.

    I only want for you to like you. I don’t need you to like me.

    And, look, I’ve had periods of anger and bitterness when dealing with the demise of a romantic relationship that, looking back, wasn’t really consequential. I can’t imagine the pain that would accompany a divorce, and losing my daily relationship with my child (children). My heart breaks for you, regardless of how much you’re enjoying your newfound love life.

    So, whatever is going on in your life, know that some fucking guy in Chicago hopes you’re doing well.
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