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NBC Fires Matt Lauer

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    I was not bothered by the expression of natural human emotion.
  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    He did not say "these women are lying."

    "Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized." I would think the board's resident stickler for accurate journalism wouldn't make the leap to "these women are lying."
    wicked and poindexter like this.
  3. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I thought Nightly News did a good job of handling the story, but to your point, they had all day to prepare for it. I'm not sure Guthrie had enough information at the time Today went on the air to react appropriately.
  4. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I'm curious how he plans to repair any damage or renew any trust. How do you do that? Other than pay people, I mean?

    Besides, he doesn't need to repair anything -- not in any way that will make anything hurt him. Once the headlines go away and he gets over his embarrassment -- it's not shame, it's embarrassment -- he has enough money to just walk away from it all, and go merrily (financially, at least) on his way and never look back.

    The soul-searching ought to be done by the TV stations. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is worth the kind of money Matt Lauer made. Particularly not for the work he did.
  5. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I took that as also referring to the Variety story. Like the locked door thing.

    Even though I never disagree with YF and don’t personally practice journalism, one thing I have consistently gone after him about is his expansive use of the word “lying.”
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    jr/shotglass likes this.
  7. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I thought he was referring solely to the statement. Have not had time to read the entire thread today.
  8. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I meant Lauer.
  9. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Matt Lauer was absolutely worth the money.

    "Today" makes more than $400 million a year and the show was built entirely around Lauer. In the most recent numbers I've seen, it was taking in about $150 million a year more then GMA.

    You could make a better case that Lauer was underpaid.
    JC likes this.
  10. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I need more coffee.
  11. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    I mean, I didn't "like" that he did it ... I just, well, "liked" that you found it ...
  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    As far as being worth the money, at some point you've got to ask how much is enough. That's from the viewpoint of part of the 99.98% who will never have to worry about such things.
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