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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    That's an incredibly thin reed, I think. She was of the age of consent. I'm uncomfortable with that level of moralizing by the paper.
  2. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    DG’s an interesting business case: How scalable (downward) is state-of-the-art logistics? Apparently the answer is pretty damn.
  3. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Well, again, she only came forward with concrete evidence when Moore began denying the relationship existed at all. If he hadn't said she was a liar, she wouldn't have produced the evidence to refute him and today's article wouldn't have been written.
  5. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    Are you saying she shouldn't have been included in the Post's first story? (She was one of the four.) Or that this follow-up story, which specifically refutes Moore's recent denials that he ever even knew her, never mind dated her, was too "thin" a reed to print and/or too much "moralizing" for your comfort level? Both? Neither?

    I think one could quibble as to whether she belonged in the first story, though I personally come down on the side of it was another notch in the he-cruised-for-teenage-girls-while-in-his-30s thrust, because he was in his 30s and she was, well, a teenager.

    But this second story seems on pretty unshakeable journalistic grounds IMO. If Moore is now denying that he even knew any of the women (how many is it now, five?), and this story can rebut that in her instance with a lot of evidence, then that's absolutely relevant. If he's provably lying about her, then it makes his other denials more suspect – including the one about the 14-year-old. Whether this woman was 17 or 15 or 19 at the time isn't really the point of this follow-up; she's speaking out because now he's calling her out as a liar, when in fact he's the liar.

    Not that any of this seems to matter, alas.
    BadgerBeer likes this.
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I think the pattern excuse in the initial story was a thin reed. I'm uncomfortable with how this has played out, in its entirety: Post reports that Moore had a relationship that, while probably frowned upon, was not unlawful. Moore denies relationship. Denial is then a story.

    It's reminiscent of the Joe Barton story, in a way. Barton does something not newsworthy. That story smokes out something potentially newsworthy - that he had an affair, prior to the dick pic.

    It's like the journalistic version of the Fourth Amendment, to me. An initially unreasonable search and seizure leads to evidence that would otherwise be admissible.
  7. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    Gotcha. IMO If this woman's account had been the focus of the first account, rather than one of four and clearly more supporting evidence rather than front and center, then I think you'd have a stronger case. The 14-year-old with the unwanted physical contact was clearly the newsmaker there. The 17-year-old was No. 3-4 to help give more evidence of a pattern of a 30+-year-old skeeve cruising high school chicks, which I think it did show rather convincingly.

    This second story only happens because Moore is telling provable lies. That's on him.

    Not seeing a lot of similarities to Barton here. Again, if the whole story was whether or not he once dated a 17-year-old when he was 32, none of us would be here. It's because of the 14-year-old, and then the volume of teenagers. And now Moore's repeated lies, ducks, and dodges.

    Fruit of the poisonous journalistic tree? Ha! I respect the effort, anyway.
  8. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    The campaign manager for the president of The United States is in danger of having his bail removed on accusations that as recently as last week he was working with a Russian operative to ghost-write an op-ed for him.

    As a society, we just don’t have the internal scale to appreciate the severity of what is happening. We want to file it away as typical political shenanigans, like Mitt Romney investing in abortion clean-up or Obama’s minister.

    This is so far off the charts of anything we’ve experienced before. It’s Watergate except faster, employed by stupid people, and instead of covering up a break-in for campaign material they’re covering up that most of the president’s team was in the service of foreign powers.
  9. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    It was the woman in the white muumuu. She can make him do anything.
  10. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Why is it bullshit? I'm asking why they're alone on an island here.
  11. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    Assholes, typical talk from people who think they can just casually make comments like that and you will agree with them. (not that they were, they clearly were talking to each other,)
  12. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Manafort. Arrogant, stupid and has the feeling he’s above the law. Exactly like Trump.

    Gives Mullern even more leverage to squeeze this criminal asshole Paul Manafort.
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