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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I didn't say trigger.

    Pot might not make you want to kill yourself, but it can help to prevent the drugs that will help you to not want to kill yourself from working.
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    And stumbling on a step does not make one a Parkinson's victim.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member


    Can someone but a bullet in the head of a Reuters editor please?
  4. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Right. Pesticides to that.
    Double Down likes this.
  5. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Just give him/her some pot and they'll off themselves before the next shift.
    BadgerBeer likes this.
  6. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    Pot is no more of a gateway drug than alcohol.
    BadgerBeer likes this.
  7. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    By Trump himself?
  8. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Which -- caffeine, alcohol or THC -- plays the largest role in the onset of affecteffectophrenia?
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Where was the woman who said she’d come. She said she would come. Erdedy thought she’d have come by now. He sat and thought. He was in the living room. When he started waiting one window was full of yellow light and cast a shadow of light across the floor and he was still sitting waiting as that shadow began to fade and was intersected by a brightening shadow from a different wall’s window. There was an insect on one of the steel shelves that held his audio equipment. The insect kept going in and out of one of the holes on the girders that the shelves fit into. The insect was dark and had a shiny case. He kept looking over at it. Once or twice he started to get up to go over closer to look at it, but he was afraid that if he came closer and saw it closer he would kill it, and he was afraid to kill it. He did not use the phone to call the woman who’d promised to come because if he tied up the line and if it happened to be the time when maybe she was trying to call him he was afraid she would hear the busy signal and think him disinterested and get angry and maybe take what she’d promised him somewhere else.

    She had promised to get him a fifth of a kilogram of marijuana, 200 grams of unusually good marijuana, for $1250 U.S. He had tried to stop smoking marijuana maybe 70 or 80 times before. Before this woman knew him. She did not know he had tried to stop. He always lasted a week, or two weeks, or maybe two days, and then he’d think and decide to have some in his home one more last time. One last final time he’d search out someone new, someone he hadn’t already told that he had to stop smoking dope and please under no circumstances should they procure him any dope. It had to be a third party, because he’d told every dealer he knew to cut him off. And the third party had to be someone all-new, because each time he got some he knew this time had to be the last time, and so told them, asked them, as a favor, never to get him any more, ever. And he never asked a person again once he’d told them this, because he was proud, and also kind, and wouldn’t put anyone in that kind of contradictory position. Also he considered himself creepy when it came to dope, and he was afraid that others would see that he was creepy about it as well. He sat and thought and waited in an uneven X of light through two different windows. Once or twice he looked at the phone. The insect had disappeared back into the hole in the steel girder a shelf fit into.

    She’d promised to come at one certain time, and it was past that time. Finally he gave in and called her number, using just audio, and it rang several times, and he was afraid of how much time he was taking tying up the line and he got her audio answering device, the message had a snatch of ironic pop music and her voice and a male voice together saying we’ll call you back, and the ‘we’ made them sound like a couple, the man was a handsome black man who was in law school, she designed sets, and he didn’t leave a message because he didn’t want her to know how much now he felt like he needed it. He had been very casual about the whole thing. She said she knew a guy just over the river in Allston who sold high-resin dope in moderate bulk, and he’d yawned and said well, maybe, well, hey, why not, sure, special occasion, I haven’t bought any in I don’t know how long. She said he lived in a trailer and had a harelip and kept snakes and had no phone, and was basically just not what you’d call a pleasant or attractive person at all, but the guy in Allston frequently sold dope to theater people in Cambridge, and had a devoted following. He said he was trying to even remember when was the last time he’d bought any, it had been so long. He said he guessed he’d have her get a decent amount, he said he’d had some friends call him in the recent past and ask if he could get them some. He had this thing where he’d frequently say he was getting dope mostly for friends. Then if the woman didn’t have it when she said she’d have it for him and he became anxious about it he could tell the woman that it was his friends who were becoming anxious, and he was sorry to bother the woman about something so casual but his friends were anxious and bothering him about it and he just wanted to know what he could maybe tell them. He was caught in the middle, is how he would represent it. He could say his friends had given him their money and were now anxious and exerting pressure, calling and bothering him. This tactic was not possible with this woman who’d said she’d come with it because he hadn’t yet given her the $1250. She would not let him. She was well off. Her family was well off, she’d said to explain how her condominium was as nice as it was when she worked designing sets for a Cambridge theater company that seemed to do only German plays, dark smeary sets. She didn’t care much about the money, she said she’d cover the cost herself when she got out to the Allston Spur to see whether the guy was at home in the trailer as she was certain he would be this particular afternoon, and he could just reimburse her when she brought it to him. This arrangement, very casual, made him anxious, so he’d been even more casual and said sure, fine, whatever. Thinking back, he was sure he’d said whatever, which in retrospect worried him because it might have sounded as if he didn’t care at all, not at all, so little that it wouldn’t matter if she forgot to get it or call, and once he’d made the decision to have marijuana in his home one more time it mattered a lot. It mattered a lot. He’d been too casual with the woman, he should have made her take $1250 from him up front, claiming politeness, claiming he didn’t want to inconvenience her financially over something so trivial and casual. Money created a sense of obligation, and he should have wanted the woman to feel obliged to do what she’d said, once what she’d said she’d do had set him off inside. Once he’d been set off inside, it mattered so much that he was somehow afraid to show how much it mattered.
  10. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    1, this graf is funny and the phone thing is something I'd (not) do lest I tie up the phone when it needed to be open in case someone was calling.

    2, wonder what kind of influence Hemingway had on DFW.
  11. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    I've always read that chapter two ways (and I try to make my way through the book every couple years...finished up another reading this summer).

    You could substitute any drug or obsession for marijuana in that chapter, even being cleanly. But anther time I read it, it also means marijuana might be on the same shelf as other harder drugs for some.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    He really liked his marijuana:

    Wallace gives us our first glimpse at marijuana’s addictive potential through the character of Ken Erdedy. Erdedy is waiting for a woman to deliver 200 grams of marijuana to his condo. In order to “properly” indulge his habit, he has meticulously “shut the whole system of his life down”. By the extent of his preparations alone, we can discern that Erdedy is a quintessential slave to his compulsions. He cleans his bedroom, buys a new bong, rents film cartridges, parks his car in a distant garage, informs his job that he has to leave town, and records a message on his answering machine. In essence, he has virtually cut himself off from the outside world. Anti-social behavior is one of the side-effects of marijuana. Although Erdedy’s case seems extreme, we can infer that Wallace’s hyperbolic portrayal is intended to represent worst case scenario as truth.

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