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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    They think he's a cad, and they're right.
  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Bill Clinton's presidential sex life is as relevant to today's situation as that of his fellow former President Warren G. Harding. YF is just an example of the deep and creepy psychosexual thrills right wingers get from the Clinton family.
  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    What year is this again?
  4. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Bill O'Reilly is a cad. Donald Trump is a fuckin' asshole.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    God, you have to love liberals.

    In trying to remember the exact term the Post used, I checked Google.

    This 2014 LA Times column is one of many that reminded me that it was "portly pepperpot".

    I have to wonder if the author considers herself a feminist, and is opposed to Trump?

    I'm also left wondering if she'd treat the women who were seeking $250,000 to make claims against Trump, in the same manner.

    The June issue of Vanity Fair magazine, excerpts of which were released Tuesday, features an essay by the “portly pepperpot,” as the New York Post once snidely dubbed the zaftig seductress.
    We all know the story: In 1998, a horny 21-year-old White House intern flashes her thong at a horny commander-in-chief. A bad affair ensues. She falls apart and confides to her “friend” all the things they’ve done and how she loves him. She lies in an affidavit about their relationship. The “friend” stabs her in the back and hands secret recordings of their conversations to a special prosecutor. The horny commander-in-chief contorts the language to conceal the affair. There are depositions, trials, semen-stained dresses. Breaking the most salacious details, blogger Matt Drudge emerges from the Internet’s primordial ooze. What hath Bill Clinton’s vital bodily fluids wrought!

    After a decade of what Vanity Fair describes as "virtual silence," Lewinsky has decided it's time to go public again, because, you know, it's not that a Clinton is running for president, it's just that she's feeling stifled.

    She writes in Vanity Fair that it is time to stop "tiptoeing around my past — and other people's futures. I am determined to have a different ending to my story. I've decided, finally, to stick my head above the parapet so that I can take back my narrative and give a purpose to my past. (What this will cost me, I will soon find out.)"

    "Take back my narrative?" This is a hilarious misstatement considering she spent a decade leveraging her infamy and earning who-knows-how-much money, exploiting her affair with Clinton. In fact, the only person who ever really wants to talk about the Monica Lewinsky scandal is Monica Lewinsky. (And Republicans, the better to taint Hillary.)

    How did she profit from the scandal?

    She was interviewed by ABC’s Barbara Walters in 1999, reportedly drawing a record audience of 70 million. Lewinsky cooperated with Andrew Morton, who wrote a biography called “Monica’s Story,” which was excerpted as a Time cover story.

    She appeared twice on "Saturday Night Live" and became a handbag designer whose pricey haute hippie knit bags were retailed at Henri Bendel. Not too shabby.
    In 2000, she became a spokeswoman for Jenny Craig Inc., which required her to very publicly lose 40 or more pounds in six months. She also appeared on an MTV show. Later that year, she worked as a correspondent for a British TV show reporting on U.S. culture and trends. She also starred in an HBO special, “Monica in Black and White,” and answered a studio audience’s questions about her affair with Clinton.

    In 2003, she hosted a reality dating show for the Fox television network, and appeared as a guest on television shows in the U.K., Sweden and the U.S. In 2005, she moved to London to study social psychology at the London School of Economics.

    Monica Lewinsky, isn't it time to leave the humiliation behind?
  6. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Government shutdown. Miller and Cotton running rampant. Trump is MIA.

    But let's talk about Clinton-Lewinsky!
  7. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    JFC, you simpleton turd. Here is what my wife's 75 year old aunt wrote this weekend, before she attended her march.

    My sign is ready. I’m ready to join all those who are out this weekend showing our elected officials in a shared voice that we want them to act on our behalf for our civil rights, for women’s rights, and the rights of ALL to good, affordable person-centered healthcare, equity and respect from our government agencies, judicial justice for ALL without prejudice, preservation of a free and honest press, and true legislative representation of the people and for the people.

    She is one of hundreds of thousands of women who have a clear idea of exactly what they are marching for.

    Let me tell you what I know you are good at: figuratively sticking your tongue all the way up the nasty, stinky, crusty asshole of the President.

    Let me tell you what you aren't good at: knowing what's best for millions of American women. To quote Jim Mora: you don't know what happened, you really don't know. You think you know, but you DON'T-KNOW, and you never WILL, okay?

    We all let you play the board buffoon here daily, and you seem to embrace looking like a clown with brown lips and a stinky tongue. But stick to your Trump corners. To venture anywhere else is really, really stupid.
    melock likes this.
  8. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I'll be glad to have a conversation about the pervasiveness of sexism on the left. It's real and should be confronted.

    In the meantime, the president who openly confessed to a lifetime of sexual assault should probably resign.
    Neutral Corner, TigerVols and Slacker like this.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Oh, look. Same author.

    She looks to have gotten woke in the last couple of years.

    Now the avalanche of accusations, and secret settlements revealed by dogged investigative reporters and courageous victims willing to speak out, put the institutions at risk.

    Skeptics no longer asked: Why did it take her so long to come forward? Why did she allow herself to be alone with him? How can we believe her when it's his word against hers?

    Out of the mists of denial, patterns were emerging. If a man had been accused of sexual harassment once, maybe it would be swept under the rug. But if a man had been accused by three women, or 10 women, or dozens, we finally came to accept that the sheer number of accusers weighed in favor of the accusers. It was no longer a he said/she said situation. It was he said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said.

    Now our questions were directed at the accused and the institutions that protected them: How could the Weinstein Co., which was aware of Weinstein's history, fail to protect women? Why was Bill O'Reilly's contract renewed after he paid an accuser $32 million to go away?

    In the second week of December, three of 16 women who have accused President Trump of sexual harassment or assault during the campaign appeared on "Megyn Kelly Today" to renew their accusations. They had come forward in 2016 after hearing Trump boast to Billy Bush of "Access Hollywood" about grabbing women's genitals, but faded from the spotlight after his election. Trump has said they are all lying.

    It's been at least 40 years since sexual harassment was recognized as an illegal form of gender discrimination, and 26 years since law professor Anita Hill accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexually harassing her, a wake-up call that led to the election of an unprecedented number of women to Congress.

    In 2017, the illusion that sexual harassment was becoming a relic of a less equitable time crumbled.

    Women won't be silenced. Harassers are on notice. I'm looking forward to 2018.

  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    That's awesome.

    Thankfully, none of these rights are in any greater danger under President Trump than they've ever been.
  11. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    You could post more factually incorrect tweets in the meantime.
  12. QYFW

    QYFW Well-Known Member

    A list of rights women have lost under Trump:
    SpeedTchr likes this.
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