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National Geographic sorry for being racist all those years

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by TheSportsPredictor, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    For Decades, Our Coverage Was Racist. To Rise Above Our Past, We Must Acknowledge It

    Who among us doesn't remember finding old National Geographics in our parents attics (or the library) and paging through them in hopes of finding pictures of topless black female savages from around the world?
  2. Just the facts ma am

    Just the facts ma am Well-Known Member

    These Twins, One Black and One White, Will Make You Rethink Race

    "But the 21st-century understanding of human genetics tells us that the whole idea of race is a human invention." /xthread

    The headline is misleading. It is less sensational but more accurate to say two fraternal twins have different skin colors, but that is no more remarkable than twins having different eye or hair color.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
  3. Liut

    Liut Well-Known Member

    Sid Rosenberg approves.
  4. Just the facts ma am

    Just the facts ma am Well-Known Member

    My point amplified

    "And yet the magazine cover undermines all of these correctives. “Black and White,” it reads, under the portrait of the twins. “These twin sisters make us rethink everything we know about race.” The online promotion is even more contradictory: “These Twins, One Black and One White, Will Make You Rethink Race.” The framing inspires the kind of coarse racial quantifying from which the issue is ostensibly trying to escape. Linking to the article on social media, several people observed that both sisters “look” black."

    The National Geographic Twins and the Falsehood of Our Post-Racial Future
  5. SnarkShark

    SnarkShark Well-Known Member

    Yes it is more sensational, you goof ball. Siblings having significantly different skin color is not that common of an occurance.

    This fascination you have is really odd. You make it seem like people think different races are different species.
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