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Todd Marinovich, the Happy Ending

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by qtlaw, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    His twitter says "New York Giants addict," unless he means the old baseball team that would be odd for a guy who pretty
    much only talked about the Jets here. Wasn't Boom also a Jets season ticket holder.
  2. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    Also claimed to be a Yankees season ticket holder and was quite vexxed about the increase in prices when they moved to the new stadium.
  3. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Did he purchase the seat license when Met Life opened? A buddy had Jets tix for about 15 years and didn't renew when they moved to the new stadium because they wanted 15k for a seat license. They sent him letters dropping the price twice, he never renewed. Have to check with a buddy who still has Jets tix, but I think the Jets did away with asking for seat licenses for most of the upper tier tix.
  4. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    God, you people ...
    Just when I thought I was done with this site, I get lured back in with this thread.
    Boom NEVER ever suggested he was a journalist. He did insinuate he was a Wall Streeter or money guy. He said he drove a Hummer and I was one of those posters who then declared him evil :)
    But he also cleverly trolled some of journalism's biggest, most obnoxious blowhards, so I kind of loved him for that.
    Boom and 21 said they met at Stan's, the iconic Yankee fan hangout in the Bronx. 21 was from Chicago, in town to cover the Yankee game.
    And no, I AM NOT 21. That's a year of my life I'll never get back. The grief it caused -- with my editor and colleagues thinking I was her -- would make for a weird science fiction book about time traveling between press boxes and sporting events.
    And Karen Crouse is awesome, whether it's writing features or covering the Jets beat in the non-conventional way the NY Times wanted.
  5. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Was/Is 21 hot?
  6. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    I was at an event many many years ago along with a huge group of SJ folks. A number of them were convinced 21 was there, too, they knew exactly who she was and were quite certain about it. I got an email from 21 before the event ended: "I'm not her! Hope you are doing well." Many people were indeed convinced she was Gingerbread, despite my assurances she was not.

    I've come to know a lot of people on here and have figured out many others. I never knew 21's real identity and for some reason, I was quite fine with that. We'd exchange emails now and then. One time I came home from the road and found a nice gift waiting.
    Donny in his element likes this.
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Old Crank

    Old Crank Active Member

    Well, Gingerbread, this reply should stamp it done for good.
  9. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    I was going to say that I can vouch that @21 and @gingerbread are two different people, but you know what? I CAN'T. SHE COULD BE. SHE COULD BE BOOM TOO. SHE COULD BE ALL OF YOU.
  10. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Really? That's out of line to ask a girl if another girl is hot? You must relate well to younger people.
  11. Old Crank

    Old Crank Active Member

    A better answer would have been that you were being sarcastic. Then some might think you have a smart, dry sense of humour.
  12. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Was/Is boom hot?
    cjericho likes this.
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