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Top Athletic Hires

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by danielpaulling, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. There have been a lot of talented national writers hired by The Athletic, but what local writer hires have you been impressed with?
  2. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Isn't there already a thread for The Athletic?
  3. lcjjdnh

    lcjjdnh Well-Known Member

    There’s more than one. Which threads have you been most impressed with?
  4. My faves: Marc Carig (Yankees), Jon Krawczynski (Timberwolves), James Edwards (Pistons), Eric Koreen (Raptors). I also like that kid Julian McWilliams they hired to cover the A's. Brings a different perspective from most beat writers since he used to be a semi-pro player internationally.
  5. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    Some of those stories needed to be senior edited. Glad they've remedied that problem.
    BurnsWhenIPee likes this.
  6. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    "Senior editing" as a verb.

    I like it.
    ChrisLong likes this.
  7. MNgremlin

    MNgremlin Active Member

    Krawczynski was the top reason I subscribed. Always know I can count on top-notch writing from him.

    Though, I do miss throwing his timely AP copy on my pages....
  8. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Me. But that's strictly a personal choice!

    They've made some quality hires. I don't know all of them of course, but of the people I do know, none has made me raise my eyebrows and go what? The stable is impressive, with one notable exception (I'm poking fun at myself in case you're wondering who I mean)
  9. Sports Barf

    Sports Barf Well-Known Member

    Simon Gay has been pretty damn good so far
  10. bpoindexter

    bpoindexter Active Member

    They did? You never hear about copy editor hires, the offensive linemen of sports journalism. At least I don't. I'm seriously interested, though.
  11. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Hi! They hired me as a senior editor and one of my tasks is to help them build and implement a universal desk. As they told me from the start of our discussions, they did it the opposite way most outlets do - hiring writers first. Now they're adding desk folks. One of my SI colleagues left the same day I did to go to The Athletic.

    Not going to say much more, I didn't comment on SI stuff when I was there. But these folks DO have a plan and I like everything I hear.
    MNgremlin likes this.
  12. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    It’s a helluva lot easier — perhaps smarter — to nab the “content creators” first, especially if you’re relying on their name recognition to pull in subscribers.
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