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Racist "prom-posal"

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Dick Whitman, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    wow, Why do you think I made you look stupid? or that I want to? You are all certainly something in this discussion, maybe self righteous--there is a term you don't hear much lately--but really, I am not remotely trying to make anyone look like anything.

    I would like some comments on the bitch word. I guess in this case you all look...like you are hiding. Why isn't that word out of bounds? In public.

    And again I may not have explained myself clearly enough, these are old fashioned words that have been around for a long time and just don't have the same meaning to me that they do to you. I am probably much older than most of you. I still say California Angels, THE Ukraine and your anus. AD I will put up my opinions of
    Blacks---support blm and affirmative action, etc.,
    gays-marriage, protection of employment, parental rights, adoption rights etc.,
    disabled, mentally or physically-all the right that they have had to fight for and still fight for to this day, treatment facilities, ability to move around just like the rest of us without physical barriers. etc.

    I have defended all of these people at one time or another and you better not be the one to tell a gay joke or black or muslim or take your pick joke because I will let you know what i think about it. And how dare the people who I come across casually--elevator, any public place feel they think they can even say this stuff to another random person and that person would be ok with it. So all you little snowflakes can f right off. I have no problem with how I treat anyone or with the words i use in my house especially when I realize they can be taken in a different way than I am using them. I kinda don't care if you believe that but I wanted to be clear that you knew it

    And I will be waiting for the bitch word response.

    Here is a word I just checked for the spelling, you may fit into this category...
    adjective: sanctimonious
    making a show of being morally superior to other people.
  2. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    bitch =/= faggot
    bitch =/= retard
    bitch =/= nigger
    JC likes this.
  3. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    See rationalizing it as "dumb" is perpetuating it, letting people know "its no big deal." Blatant racism is more than that and until you realize that, you're just still part of the problem.
  4. franticscribe

    franticscribe Well-Known Member

    How is it any different? It is used to denigrate women in the same way those words are used to denigrate discrete groups of people.
    lakefront and outofplace like this.
  5. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    Pointing out that it was dumb is not "rationalizing" as much as factualizing. It was dumb, should we pretend it wasn't? Dumb and racist are hardly mutually exclusive concepts, it can be both. And this was also blatantly racist--I think we're ALL in agreement on that--so I'm not quite clear on what your gripe is.

    Precisely what do you think should be done about it? Should we string the kid up?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  6. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Because “bitch” already carries a negative connotation.

    With “gay” and “retarded,” in this case, you are assigning a negative connotation.
    SnarkShark likes this.
  7. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    Perhaps it shouldn't be any different. I know it is a word I used to use more but have tried to expunge from my vocabulary.

    But socially and in reality, it is just different. It doesn't carry the same societal weight and impact that those other words do. To attempt to make a comparison between them and say "if I can't say this, you can't say that" is to ignore reality.
  8. franticscribe

    franticscribe Well-Known Member

    This is a logical mess. I am not assigning a negative connotation. The words Ty Webb used are just about universally recognized as slurs, though in context they may not be. "Bitch" functions the same way, though in context it may be perfectly innocent.

    Also "gay" wasn't one of the words we were discussing.
  9. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    No. What I'm voicing is opposition to rationalizing the behavior, softening it. Go back and read the posts, you'll see comments that "oh he's young", "we all said cotton pickin back in the day", "it was just a joke." That's sending the wrong message but if that's your view, go forward, but don't wonder then why minorities "can't just let things go" and "are so sensitive."

    IF I WAS BLACK I WOULD BE PICKING COTTON.... That's what was said. There's no explaining going back to the stereotype of a black slave sharecropper in the fields picking cotton for a white plantation owner.
    lakefront likes this.
  10. franticscribe

    franticscribe Well-Known Member

    I suppose it has a degree of social acceptability that the others don't, although I think that is changing, which is evidenced by your own admission that you're trying to purge it from your vocabulary.

    Fundamentally it is used to accomplish the same thing, although for many men I think it has proven difficult to give up. I purged the n-word by the time I was in high school (growing up in a small Indiana town in the late 80s/early 90s, it was surprisingly acceptable); and the R-word in college. I stopped saying "fag" soon after college because I had become friends with gay people and realized it was wrong. But 20 years later I still find myself dropping the occasional "bitch" and getting frustrated for having done it.
    lakefront likes this.
  11. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    THERE'S NO NEED FOR ALL CAPS... We already know what the sign says. We agree it was terribly racist. You are not educating us.

    Criminy, you do this on nearly every thread involving racism. You jump in with this sanctimonious "you guys don't get it" type tone about things we actually do get, and then proceed to lecture at us about concepts we already knew.

    I think we all agree the kid did a very bad thing and deserves punishment. But are we not allowed to discuss the story on any broader level than just saying that over and over again? Pointing out that being a stupid teenager might've played a part here does not mean we're saying it's OK or excusable.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I am largely sympathetic to what you are trying to say. But unless someone else made a similar post you are referring to, you are mischaracterizing something I posted.

    I posted this: "Anyone else remember saying things like, "You are out of your cotton-picking mind," when they were little kids, and not having a clue where it derived from?" "

    That wasn't me softening anything, as you put it. It was me actually regretting that as a little kid I said that. and I had no clue that it was offensive to anyone or what it really meant.

    If you're referring to something someone else posted, I apologize. I just didn't see it.
    franticscribe and qtlaw like this.
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