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Ed Werder doesn't like women helping women

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MeanGreenATO, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Reddy235

    Reddy235 Member

    So, yeah, Charlotte Wilder faced a lot of sexist discrimination in her rise to SI in, what, four years in the business?
  2. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    Wilder’s Tweet reads like she has some control in the hiring which is just insane for someone of her position at SI. Its not mmqb and shes not Peter King. She’s trying to do a nice thing and encourage womens applicant but she should really just let HR do their thing.

    Werder said what a lot of people were thinking but its Twitter so. Good luck to him
    studthug12, Tweener and BurnsWhenIPee like this.
  3. HappyCurmudgeon

    HappyCurmudgeon Well-Known Member

    I remember she did a long-form piece in the first person a couple of years ago on her experience watching Wrestlemania for the first time that got a lot of run and seemed to boost her profile significantly. From there it was MLB All-Star games, doing the Super Bowl experience with some pro players. SBNation pushed the hell out of her.
  4. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Probably four years worth, plus however many years she'd been alive before.
  5. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    If she's written a lot of first person that's perhaps why I avoided it a little bit. Not a huge fan of first person observation in most cases. I find it to be a way of writing around what you don't have, which is part of why Bill Simmons is pretty irrelevant to me.

    But I'll read some. I'm sure it's good writing.
  6. HappyCurmudgeon

    HappyCurmudgeon Well-Known Member

    I haven't read much of her stuff. I read that one in particular. But I think she did a lot of first person at SBNation along with video spots and podcasts, etc. She definitely became one of the significant faces of their brand. The Simmons comparison seems pretty interesting too given that she's a New Englander and a die-hard Boston sports fans. I can't read Simmons at all, but I could read her because she's just a better writer.
  7. BurnsWhenIPee

    BurnsWhenIPee Well-Known Member

    100 percent this. I didn't think she came off well with her Tweet, and as a white male whose position was eliminated, then resurrected in time to hire a young female, I have shared thoughts the same he expressed many times.

    But to say that? And on a public forum? Fuck no. Be smarter.
    Tweener likes this.
  8. Ice9

    Ice9 Active Member

    I don't get the fascination with Charlotte Wilder. Her columns are lazy and put me to sleep, and her Twitter is out of control. Not in a good way. Like, for someone who thinks she's the coolest/funniest/wittiest kid in the room, she overreacts to stupid inane tweets A LOT. Incredibly sensitive for someone who really ought to be above this stuff.

    Does anybody over the age of 30 work at SI anymore?

    Oh, and Jemele, this did not age well...

  9. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Yes, Werder should have been smarter.

    Yes, the Twitter backlash is completely over the top.

    Both statements can be true.
    wicked, Tweener, HanSenSE and 2 others like this.
  10. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    How is that?
  11. That Tweet is from last week. Not sure that qualifies as "aged."
    And I am not seeing how it's ... ... whatever it is you think it is ... Can you explain? Not trying to be a trite or anything, just curious.
  12. I think Werder woke up on the wrong side of Twitter this morning. He comes off as a guy still bitter about his job status. Can't say I blame him. But, that doesn't make him right.
    At least Wilder ended things after a few tweets.
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