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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    I know it is terrible. Amazing in a place like Brighton Beach you have so many people who left Mother Russia for such an evil, terrible place.
    I'm sure in Sochi there are many Americans who have left this horrible country.
  2. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    It's fine to those who are here. We don't drop bombs on ourselves.
  3. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    I agree with what Jim Wright said at the end of the post I shared.

    Some of you have misunderstood my comments.

    I think what happened to Sanders is a shitty damned deal. I honestly think it's awful.

    I think Sanders should be able to go into any restaurant she likes and enjoy her meal in peace without conflict, attack, or persecution. And I think as a paying customer she deserves prompt, courteous service.

    But, see, that's the thing, people like Sanders think that ONLY people like Sanders should have that right.

    I think EVERYBODY should."
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
    OscarMadison and lakefront like this.
  4. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Call me when Peter Fonda is harassed and kicked out of a restaurant. The woman should be allowed to eat a meal. And it’s going a bit far to say “kidnapping” and “imprisoning” especially since the previous Presidential did the same thing.
  5. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    Let's be real about the Trump is America thing. His nomination and election was a total fluke that nobody saw coming because it took a crazy convergence of coincidences, terrible political fuck ups, quirks of the electoral process and international interference to happen.

    His ascension did reveal there is a slightly higher percentage of deplorables than we thought, and made it easier for them to make noise, but the majority of the nation never wanted him and he is easily the most unpopular and maligned president of my lifetime.

    If he represents America it is in how flawed the two-party system has become.
  6. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Ahh gotcha.
  7. BadgerBeer

    BadgerBeer Well-Known Member

    What did Fonda say but Melania and Baron should be treated the same way their husband/father is treating brown people? If what he said is so damn repulsive to the right perhaps they should rethink the policy?
  8. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Report: Richest 1% cornered 82% of wealth created in 2017

    Billionaires grew their wealth by $762 billion in 12 months, an increase that Oxfam says could have ended "global extreme poverty" seven times over.
    • 42 people own the same wealth as the bottom 3.7 billion.
    • The three richest people in the U.S. own the same wealth as the bottom 50%.
  9. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    All that is true.

    But he DID win 41 primary contests, almost four times as many as the next closest candidate.

    And he DID dominate every primary debate, and he DID garner the lion's share of media coverage (instead of the media saying, "screw this cartoon character").

    You can say his election was a fluke, but his nomination was anything but.
  10. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Children are not being put in a cage with pedophiles, which is what Fonda called for. I’m no Trump fan but you’re not helping the cause by condoning a whack job on the left.
  11. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Sanders kicked out of a restaurant. Man. Some people know how to do some interesting, hurtful shit to the Democratic cause, don’t they?
  12. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    That is really fucked up.
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