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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Which part?
    lcjjdnh and YankeeFan like this.
  2. Human_Paraquat

    Human_Paraquat Well-Known Member

    When then-not Pres. Trump (and others) questioned Pres. Obama’s place of birth, the White House largely ignored it. They presented the birth certificate, and if that wasn’t enough evidence, well ... fuck off.

    Problem here is, you have a) the most insecure person to ever sit in that office and it may not be close and b) constant evidence, links and indictments, not just speculation and wishfully racist thinking.

    (Probably also hasn’t helped that Pres. Trump was/is so childishly belligerent towards the press at rallies, etc., to score cheap applause, thereby giving them extra incentive to dig that much harder for the next nugget.)
  3. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    You didn't, though. You didn't even come close.
  4. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Get real. You're living in a vacuum out there in flyover country.

    Not saying that's not nice. Rural living is a peaceful easy feeling and all that.
    But you don't seem to have any idea about why things are a lot different elsewhere.
  5. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    1) The gun and murder analogy is flawed because in this case, the gun doesn't have to go off. Your boy is still in control of the gun. He knows he has enough lapdogs in the Senate to survive unless there's something really egregious to be discovered. Impeachment does not constitute the firing of the gun. A two-thirds majority in the Senate is a mighty tall climb, as it should be. If he knows he's innocent, he knows there is zero change of removal from office. So let it play out and celebrate not only the demise of your enemies but the knowledge that if they go at the king and miss, they are worse off than if they hadn't tried in the first place.
    2) Body language? Since when are reporters expected to study body language the way baseball scouts study launch angles?
    "Well, Jim, Trump's shoulders were only at an angle of 84 degrees today. That's the lowest they've been since March 12."

    He's guilty of something. A lot of somethings. And he knows it.
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    They should learn to read his tone and nuance to know when he's throwing out a potential idea vs. a full-blown, hammered-out policy. I don't think that was a major issue with past presidents.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Sorry I didn't foam at the mouth and decry Trump hard enough. I'll decry harder next time, I promise.
  8. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    His tone and nuance? C'mon. His tone and nuance are Major Asshole.
    Fred siegle and heyabbott like this.
  9. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    A reasonable question. Innocent people don't act the way he's acting. But yeah, say Mueller's conclusion is that Trump did nothing wrong.
    I 100 percent respect your opinion. I disagree, but you're a rational person and it's good to have a conversation with you.

    Yep, a lot of people are out to get Trump. No argument. But a major issue, a MAJOR ISSUE is that he often seems to side with Putin over the U.S. and he's attacking respected law enforcement institutions and the intelligence agencies. It's reasonable to wonder why.

    There's just no way people who used to be Republicans would go along with that. But here we are. Trump, for his own insecurity and ego, is destroying trust in agencies filled with people who put their lives on the line to defend this country. It's a big deal.

    Sure, our politics haven't been this partisan probably since the 1850s-60s.

    The good thing is, Robert Mueller doesn't care about the politics. He's going to conduct his investigation and produce his findings. What is totally wrong and objectionable is Trump eroding trust in our valued institutions. For nothing more than he's a thin-skinned ass who never expected to win.
  10. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Very fine people, these MAGAts ...

    White Nationalist Charged with Murder Would Befriend 'Colored People' and Then Harm Them, Family Members Say

    Ronald Lee Kidwell, 47, was charged with second-degree murder in the killing of MeShon Cooper, who was missing for a week until her body was discovered in Kidwell’s Shawnee home last Saturday, The Kansas City Star reported.

    His daughter, Crystal Foster, said Kidwell has been a “monster his whole life.” She recalled her father draping himself in the Confederate flag, sending her pictures of the swastika he had tattooed on his arm and bragging about his membership in the KKK. Foster said her dad even once threatened to kill her and her three children if they ever spoke to “a person of color.”
  11. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Speaking of your boy and the media, he consciously avoided any gesture of support for the Annapolis victims until he was shamed into action by revelations of local officials.
    He encourages even the VFW, a nonpartisan organization made up of heroes, to bash the media. He's so vile -- and so effective -- that he can make honorable people compromise the values that led them to serve courageously while people like him made up excuse after excuse to avoid serving.

    The Morning Consult poll indicates Trump has lost ground in every state since he was inaugurated. There are 23 Trumpist states, 25 in which he has a net negative approval rating and two in which he is even.
    Of the 11 states with the largest portion of adults lacking a high school diploma, eight are Trumpist. Only one of the 11 states at the other end of the educational spectrum (North Dakota) is Trumpist.
    Fred siegle, matt_garth and Slacker like this.
  12. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well, Hillary wore a tablecloth the other day. And then she coughed. KAG 2020!
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