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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

  2. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  3. typefitter

    typefitter Well-Known Member

    Wait. Two posts later you agree that Trump's a drooling moron, but your love for me is so strong that you need to try take some shot about... relative book sales? Oh, Honeybunches. Let's just hold each tight and forget about this silly old world for a while.
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Well-Known Member

    So nothing. Got it.
  5. Rainman

    Rainman Well-Known Member

    Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

    Jobs beat estimates. Unemployment record low. Wages rising.

    We can all cheer, right? I mean nobody would be so petty and irrationally anti Trump that they be disappointed by this. America first?

    I don't see any of those people sending in money to the US Treasury for what they would have paid in taxes, or not taking those wage increases or job offers.
  6. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    “Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Not a real recovery, phony numbers”

    "7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud as evidenced by the jobless claims number released yesterday. Real unemployment is at least 15%”

    “We can rev up this economy like it should be, not with false numbers like 7.4 percent unemployment. But with real numbers.”

    “Unemployment is a totally phony number.”

    “Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it.”

    “Then you hear there's a 5.4 percent unemployment. It's really — if you add it up, it's probably 40 percent if you think about it.”

    “They show those phony statistics where we are 5.4 percent unemployment. The real number, I saw a number that could be 42 percent, believe it or not.”

    “I hear 5.3 percent unemployment, that is the biggest joke there is in this country. That number is so false.”

    “The number is not reflective. I have seen numbers of 24 percent. I saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. … That number is so false.”

    “They say 5.3 percent employment. The number is probably 32 percent.”

    “Nobody has jobs. … It is not a real economy. It is a phony set of numbers. They cooked the books.”

    “Look again, you hear these phony jobs numbers? People that gave up looking for jobs? They are considered employed.”

    “Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. As high as 35 — as in fact, I heard recently, 42 percent.”

    “The numbers are phony. These are all phony numbers. Numbers given to politicians to look good. These are phony numbers.”

    “You hear a 5 percent unemployment rate. It's such a phony number. That number was put in for presidents and for politicians so that they look good to the people.”

    “The phony 5 percent numbers that we hear about with the unemployment.”

    “The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics.”

    "The terrible jobs report that just came out … you can see phony numbers, 5 percent.”

    “The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction.”

  7. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Hmm ... sounds familiar. I wonder who said all that. Any guess, Brainman?
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    The fallout on the op-ed is astounding. Details on a White House in disarray and the big takeaway from several legislators and people in the media is - well the person who wrote it should be fired, arrested, etc. Maybe true - but when you have a President who doesn't have the trust of the staff HE PICKED - why should any American who loves their country trust him.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  9. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    heyabbott likes this.
  10. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    This. Impeachment sets a dangerous precedent if Trump is impeached.

    Then, if a Democrat, no matter who it is, is elected president in 2020, the right will find any grounds for impeachment. If the Democrat so much as littered, there could be a vote among House and Senate Republicans within the hour.

    It'll be in retaliation for Trump. And the vicious cycle continues.
    jr/shotglass and Batman like this.
  11. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    Arrested for talking shit about Trump in an op-ed? Fired. Yes, I can understand. But, arrested? This isn't the Soviet Union...

    ...or is it?
  12. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    Keep thinking that, ace. Your candidate was a shitshow who was too arrogant to campaign where she needed to campaign. End of story. But do hold on to those comforting nuggets of resistance, instead of addressing the BS in your party that pushed her to the nomination.
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