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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    On the whole duct taped women thing:
    If we are worried about immigrants trafficking women INTO our country, that's a pretty sad indictment of our country.
    Wouldn't he do better at stirring up sentiment by claiming immigrants were coming up here, stealing women and taking them out of the country?
  2. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    Ann Coulter is booked on Bill Maher tonight. Should be fun.
    lakefront likes this.
  3. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Millennials/Gen Z are absolutely the driving generations of Twitter.

    I don't necessarily disagree with your analysis, but I'll say this: The threshold of how these stories get covered will be tested. A full conversation over ableism, for example, is coming, I suspect, and it will challenge the notion of what is and what isn't news.
  4. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

  5. CD Boogie

    CD Boogie Well-Known Member

    it's only January 25, but this is an early leader for the oddest simile posted to SJ in 2019. I imagine myself having a dream about this Natty Light scenario sometime in the next week.
    OscarMadison and Driftwood like this.
  6. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  7. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Not sure the rank and file Trumpists understand there's no good (or even bad) way to spin today.

    He got beat flat.

    So don't stand by the fax machine waiting for this afternoon's newsletter.
  8. CD Boogie

    CD Boogie Well-Known Member

  9. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    It's funny how surprised people are to see veterans disrespected by "conservatives" like Coulter.

    Say what you want about the "Wimp Factor" magazine cover, but George HW Bush was a fucking war hero.
  10. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    You're really contorting yourself trying to make this a referendum on the young'uns.

    Clara Jeffery, Mother Jones, 51 years old.
    Ilhan Omar, congresswoman, 37 years old.
    Jake Tapper, CNN, 49 years old
    Scott Adams, Dilbert creator, 61 years old.
    Kara Swisher, Recode, 57 years old
    Ron Perlman, actor, 68 years old
    Kathy Griffin, comedian, 58 years old

    These are some of the more prominent figures who were beating the Covington drum on Twitter early on. Most of them have retracted, apologized for, or softened their stances since.

    How many Tweets from millennials do you see embedded on this thread. Any?

    Anecdotally, my breakdown would be:

    Facebook: Baby Boomers
    Twitter: Gen. X/Seinfeld generation/post-Vietnam
    Instagram: Millenials, Gen. Z

    The kids are all on the Insta these days
  11. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    If you're telling the tail wags the dog, my man, no argument here. The Baby Boomer/early Gen X fascination with millennials' activist tendencies and proclivities - which, really, is a desire to recapture or refeed their own youth for the sake of scoring cool points - fascinates me.

    80% of Twitter's users - according to Twitter - are affluent millennials.

    Video on Twitter
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    WH should get him on a plane to Florida ASAP. If he watches cable news tonight or in the morning, we might bomb Syria.
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