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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I'd count out Bloomberg.
    He has a good message, and he's getting it out.
    Just today, I've seen TV spots, ads on online media outlets, Instagram, and local radio spots in my out of the way neck of the woods.
    Vombatus likes this.
  2. Jake from State Farm

    Jake from State Farm Well-Known Member

    He’d turn 80 during his first term
    Like Biden and Bernie, that automatically disqualifies him
    FileNotFound likes this.
  3. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    Not if he's the nominee and siphons back votes from old white folks who held their nose and voted for Trump.
    I think your two best options to beat Trump are Biden and Bloomberg. Pair either one with the right VP selection, and it can be done.
    Bernie is a non-starter when it comes to pulling back boomer votes.
    Warren will be Hillary 2.0.
    Mayor Pete is gay, so many people from all races, ages, creeds, etc. can't see past that.

    November isn't about coming through some purity test smelling like a school girl on a warm summer night.
    It's about being willing to get down in the mud with a pig you don't particularly like because you know there is bacon and barbecue in the end.
  4. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

    that's why roy moore isn't running for president
  5. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Unlike Steyer, Bloomberg has some experience in day-to-day governing, and on a higher level than Mayor Pete. Still leaning toward Warren or Klobuchar, but why not let him in?
  6. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  7. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    That doesn’t answer the question. Schiff, Pelosi and Co. all said they had enough to convict when they handed the case to the Senate. Your boy Schiff confirmed it on the floor when Sekulow point-blank asked him on the Senate floor.

    This was a Democrat Kangaroo Court from Day 1. It’s inarguable among the sane but some are so blinded by hatred they can’t see it.
    Vombatus likes this.
  8. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  9. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    I don't think most Democrats expected a conviction, not with two-thirds of a majority GOP Senate needed to convict.

    As long as Trump remains popular among Republican voters, GOP senators will stand by him for their own political future.

    But recall that when Nixon's impeachment was first discussed, it was seen as a "partisan" effort to reverse the results of a 1972 election where Democrats were trounced.

    As Nixon's popularity plummeted in 1974, Republicans in congress suddenly became more willing to consider his role in Watergate and the cover-up.

    We'll see what happens in 2020 ...
  10. OscarMadison

    OscarMadison Well-Known Member

    You haven't gotten your cup of Flavor-Aid from your cult leaders yet?
    tapintoamerica likes this.
  11. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    So there's no evidence that the leader of your klan sought to withhold foreign aid until the recipient declared his political rival to be a crook? None at all? Some are so blinded by love of a feeble-minded bigot that they can't see a thing.
  12. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    Blinded by the hate
    Revved up like a douche
    Another subp'na in the night
    OscarMadison likes this.
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