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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    Definitely don't want to make it sound like he has done a bad job or am disappointed with actions. He was definitely slow on ski resorts, but you could tell he had the economy and business in mind for the rest and I respect that.

    I'm mostly interested in the next steps. Like gatherings and so on. How many, when? We may not even be close to that kind of thing. With kids who are going stir crazy as it is I'm particularly interested in how summer looks. I would guess most kid-type summer activities are not a wise choice -- no way honestly expect kids to socially distance, keep clean, etc. -- at those things. Sports and other recreation not on a pro level? Just real interested in these next steps beyond opening some businesses a bit.
    MileHigh likes this.
  2. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    You'd better be ready for gloves and masks everywhere you go.

    Would you go work a customer service job that required you to be close to members of the public, chosen at random? Say you work in a shoe store, or you cut hair, front desk at a hotel, whatever. If I'm not working from home, controlled exposure conditions, I want PPE. Period. And if you don't, you're nuts.

    More than that, business owners are going to want and need it. If they have returning trained staff, the last thing they want to do is foster an infection inside their business. You don't want to infect a customer, that's terminal bad publicity. And that's without mentioning the liability issues if an employer brings people in and does not offer PPE and one of them dies. Same for a customer.

    We don't have tests in useful numbers. We don't have enough PPE. Nurses are wearing garbage bags, you gonna sent PPE to businesses instead?

    We're not ready, and we're not thinking, and instead of Trump issuing orders to industry to by god get this stuff made, he's still posturing and pretending he's doing this perfectly.
    HanSenSE, OscarMadison and garrow like this.
  3. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    You understand what "mutually exclusive" means right?
  4. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Alma likes this.
  5. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    A week could be enough for cases if people actually got tested, but probably still need at least another week with lag and results lag to see a pattern. That said, if the increase is now it means it was definitely out there during the protests so a spike wouldn't be surprising.
  6. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

  7. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    That’s gonna be rough on the middle-aged drunk at the end of the bar obliviously hitting on single women who react disdainfully and clearly wish he’d go away. I’m not sure bar culture can survive.
  8. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Nope. I don't. You've really run circles around me on this one.
  9. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    So long you're getting exercise, I'm good.
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Gosh damn, generically angry conservatives are the worst.
    HanSenSE and OscarMadison like this.
  11. OscarMadison

    OscarMadison Well-Known Member

    Dear God. Maybe if I just did an Adamsian break to the path of least resistance and hated people I would feel so much better.
    #CrankyAfterPullingAShelfOfBooksOntoMyHeadInSearchOfAVolumeOfMilne #WinnieThePoohCanKissMyAss
  12. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    I didn't take it that you thought he has done a bad job, etc. His instincts are from the business/economic standpoint and there's no doubt for him to make the call to shut it down, he knew exactly what that was going to look like.

    It wasn't just him on the ski resorts. The ski resorts were slow on it. It wasn't until Vail Resorts said they were shutting down that the other big ones followed suit, then Polis decreed it for the rest of the state. But once those first cases popped up in the mountains at the resorts, they all should have pulled the plug.

    Agree about what happens after this first stage of reopening. First, how big is it? Is it just a nominal, tiny reopening to try to placate protesters and show, "See, we hear you, we're reopening." Second, what will the residents do? They are the ones who will determine when the state is "reopened." Will there be a mad rush to get haircuts? To go to retail stores? Theaters will still be closed. Same with dining out.

    The recommendation is going to be to still stay at home, with the slogan "Safer at Home." So while it might *sound* good, what the real effect will be remains to be seen. Then how long does he wait until reopening more? Another month? Two?

    The gatherings will take a while longer. Hancock said today no gatherings until at least May 11 or so in Denver. Hancock and his crew also sounded like they were going to start enforcing harder at parks, said they see too many people throwing Frisbees and footballs and it needs to stop. (I've been saying this for weeks.) But it seems Hancock is more apt to move the goal posts and Polis is setting dates and trying to stick to them.
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