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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Fuck you bitch.
  2. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    It’s all right now.
    In fact, it’s a gas.
  3. Jesus_Muscatel

    Jesus_Muscatel Well-Known Member

    My God she is an idiot.
  4. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    Strident defender of rapist Roger Ailes.
    Jesus_Muscatel likes this.
  5. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Boy is a white racist word.
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Thank you for this. I hadn't seen it, and it is wild, because I have my own story about this from that price decline at the end of 2014 into 2015. But my foray into being an oil baron was even crazier.

    In March, 2015, I didn't just buy a barrel of oil. ... I bought 1,000 barrels of oil.

    The price had collapsed, and I sat on one futures contract and decided to actually take delivery. I thought I knew what I was doing. I doubt I will ever do anything like it again. I had a lot of help from someone who brokers as an intermediary for one of the storage facilities in Cushing, so I wasn't working entirely without a net. In hindsight, it was interesting and scary at the same time.

    The original plan was to pay for the storage, sit on the oil and see if we got a price rebound by the fall, at which point I planned to sell it for mega-riches.

    On an oil futures contract, the margin requirement to control the oil was pretty low. I didn't trade oil much, but when I did, I would often trade multiple contracts at a time.

    When I took delivery -- and this was just one contract, 1,000 barrels of oil -- it required a lot of money. It wasn't insignificant for me.

    I immediately started to have second thoughts, and I was losing sleep over it, and I pretty much wanted out within a week or two, but it wasn't that easy.

    And then. ... I got bailed out.

    It was actually a precursor to what is happening now. The storage facility was filling up very quickly, and a lot of people were making the same exact kinds of bets that I was making, so pretty quickly, the actual storage space was becoming more valuable than the oil itself.

    Almost immediately, I was presented with an opportunity to sell 1,000 barrels at a nice premium to the spot price via the broker who had helped me. He was working on behalf of one of the big integrated companies that badly needed the space, and even though my oil was a piddly amount, they had been reduced to reaching down to people like me to try to find whatever storage they could.

    In hindsight, what I did was way more of a gamble than I should have been taking. I knew it at the time, but it was even scarier than I had calculated. Luckily, I got bailed out quickly.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    i wonder if there are folks out there this week who were in your position back then...and are also selling off their "storage units" so to speak to desperate companies?

    I'm looking forward to the Planet Money recap of all this.
  8. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Again, where are these people voting where you don't show ID? At my precinct, I give them my driver's license and have to recite the name and address to them verbatim, and they cross check it against a list before I get a ballot. Are there places where you just walk in and say, "Hey, I'm Bob, where's my ballot?"
    HanSenSE likes this.
  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Nero's fiddle = Trump's smart phone.
    garrow likes this.
  10. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    And all the other countries joined in, faking deaths and shutdowns to mess with Trump. Even the Pope is in on it, ministering to an empty St. Peter's to own Trump.
    HanSenSE, garrow and Webster like this.
  11. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I don’t need to show ID in New Jersey each time when I vote (need it to register). You have to sign when you check in and the vote can be challenged if the signature don’t match.

    Unlike many, I don’t have a problem with voter ID laws provided that there is robust access to such IDs. The problem is that in many places they have made it onerous to get this IDs to depress the vote in certain communities.
    Donny in his element likes this.
  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I can't wait until our crops are rotting on the ground and we face a food shortage because Trump closed all the borders and migrant workers can't get in.
    qtlaw, HanSenSE and 2muchcoffeeman like this.
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